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First AppearanceJune 27th 2024
BehaviorSpies on/haunts other players

16.png davzav is a reoccuring character in the RetroMC lore, who claims to be 16.png zavdav's evil twin.
They were first spotted by 16.png Krissofer on June 27th 2024.


16.png davzav looks almost identical to 16.png zavdav, however, 16.png davzav's neck is twisted 90° counterclockwise. The reasons for this condition are unknown. Several people have tried to twist 16.png davzav's neck back into place, but failed at doing so.


16.png davzav is not seen on RetroMC frequently, but when they happen to be on the server, they can be found either haunting the streets of Avalon, chasing down 16.png Krissofer or 16.png Pittofer, or in rare cases, spying on other players.

The First Encounter

After making the first contact with 16.png davzav, 16.png Krissofer proceeded to invite them to Avalon, a decision that he would soon regret...

[Wanderer] 16.png davzav Joined the game.
[Hero] 16.png Krissofer: davzav what you doing?
[Wanderer] 16.png davzav: Nothing...
[Wanderer] 16.png davzav: What you looking at....
[Hero] 16.png Krissofer: your face
[Wanderer] 16.png davzav: yea its a bit off
[Hero] 16.png Krissofer: twisted a bit

[Hero] 16.png Krissofer: you bought another account?
[Wanderer] 16.png davzav: No, I'm actually 16.png zavdav's evil twin.
[Hero] 16.png Krissofer: ferfer
[Hero] 16.png Krissofer: join Avalon