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Public message that appears in-game whenever a player donates an amount.

On RetroMC, there are 15 ranks:

  • 4 for normal players
  • 4 for donators (https://store.retromc.org)
  • 7 for staff members (Server Operator and Infrastucture have no in-game rank)

Higher ranks also have the perks of lower ranks (Trial Helpers have Mystic perks, Mystic has Legend perks & so on).
Note: If a player has already purchased a rank previously, they only need to specify the amount between what they have already Previously Payed and the desired rank to upgrade to. There are terms for donating to RetroMC, see https://store.retromc.org/terms.

Normal player ranks


Role color: #AAAAAA

  • In-game: &8[&7Wanderer&8]
  • Recreation: [Wanderer]

The starting rank for new players

  • Cannot build in Spawn Town
  • Infinite homes can be set


Example of a player's country of origin when connecting.

Role color: #55FF55

  • In-game: &f[&aCitizen&f]
  • Recreation: [Citizen]

Obtained after 30 active hours over time

  • Can build in Spawn Town
  • Ability to see which country a player comes from upon joining based on that player's IP address

The mechanism which tallies active hours is called the trust system.
It's an aggregate of blocks modified, travelled & time played.

Gold Citizen

Role color: #55FF55

  • In-game: &6[&aCitizen&6]
  • Recreation: [Citizen]

Obtained after 100 hours

Diamond Citizen

Role color: #55FF55

  • In-game: &b[&aCitizen&b]
  • Recreation: [Citizen]

Obtained after 1000 hours and trust level 75; manually issued upon request (which can be denied for any reason)

Donator ranks


Role color: #00AA00

  • In-game: &f[&2Hero&f]
  • Recreation: [Hero]



Role color: #5555FF

  • In-game: &f[&9Legend&f]
  • Recreation: [Legend]


  • /hat (Blocks in helmet slot)
  • Coloured nickname


Role color: #55FFFF

  • In-game: &f[&bMystic&f]
  • Recreation: [Mystic]


  • Capes (BetaEvolutions only)
  • /vanish (Be invisible from other players outside of PvP areas)
  • LogBlock (see who modified blocks, the toolblock isn't available)

See LogBlock tutorial for a guide on it.

Donator(+, ++)

Role color: #FF5555

  • In-game: &8[&cDonator&8], &8[&cDonator&4+&8], &8[&cDonator&4++&8]
  • Recreation: [Donator], [Donator+], [Donator++]

$30.00, $60.00, $100.00

  • Purely cosmetic

Staff ranks

Trial Helper

Role color: #9EFDA6

  • In-game: &f[&aTrial Helper&f]
  • Recreation: [Trial Helper]

Obtained when the existing staff team accepts a player's staff application

  • Access to the LogBlock toolblock
  • Moderation commands (/jban, /mute, /kick, etc.)
  • LWC locked container bypass
  • Weather and time change permissions
  • JVillage claim protection bypass

Monitoring other staff & how they handle situations.
They also take care of rule-break issues within chats, (not often) voice channels, & ensure that issues are resolved without creating public drama.


Role color: #00AAAA

  • In-game: &f[&3Helper&f]
  • Recreation: [Helper]

Obtained after existing staff team accepts that a player, after 2 weeks on trial, is actually worth adding into their team

  • Flying
  • /egod, /god, /ungod (God mode)


Role color: #FFAA00

  • In-game: &f[&6Moderator&f]
  • Recreation: [Moderator]
  • Has access to LogBlock rollback
  • /authme betaevo (Toggles BetaEvolutions requirement should the need arise.)
  • /give, /i, and /item access

They have a thorough understanding of the rules & server functions.


Role color: #AA0000

  • In-game: &f[&4Admin&f]
  • Recreation: [Admin]
  • Has access to most, but not all commands

They manage the community & staff members at large & report directly to the server operators.


Role color: #FF5555

  • In-game: &f[&cDeveloper&f]
  • Recreation: [Developer]

They develop various applications for RetroMC; plugins, web-based apps, etc.. They are immune to inactivity demotion as per RSPM § 10.1.
Staff members may also be developers while still being on the staff team.


Role color: #FF7F55

  • In-game (concept only): &f[&6Infrastructure&f]
  • Recreation: [Infrastructure]

Obtained by individuals with proven expertise in Systems Administration, Networking, and Minecraft server management.

  • Access to server and network infrastructure settings
  • Permissions for direct Minecraft console commands for maintenance and troubleshooting
  • Works closely with Developers and Server Operators for the technical health and optimization of the server
  • Responsible for managing operating systems, network security, and performance monitoring tools

Server Operator

Role color: #BB0AFF

  • Console access
  • Light red username
  • Admin rank in-game

They manage issues that are extremely in-depth, such as server degradation, payment issues & so on. There isn't an in-game rank for this.
They too are immune to inactivity demotion as per RSPM § 10.1, and this rank is seldom granted.

Discord roles

Almost all ranks have a Discord server eqivalent, but there are a couple of roles with no in-game equivalent.

Broad user groups

RetroMC Users: Given to users who linked their account.
Donators Group: Given to users with Hero through Donator++.

In-Game: BetaEvolutions

Given to those who have BetaEvolutions currently running on their computer, and removed when it's closed.

Former Staff

This is given out to.. well, former staff members who made an impact on RetroMC in some way.


Staff members of partner servers, such as [Redacted] and [Bleeped & censored!].
Precautions were taken to avert violations of no-advert laws.


Technical Operations: Those who manage RetroMC's backend.
Community Management: Those who manage and moderate the community.
External Developer: Those who are given access to a seecret channel for discussing development of stuff for RMC.
[RBAC:Discord Administrator]: Administrator permissions; this role may be temporarily given to staff members if needed. (The acronym stands for role-based acess control.)
[RBAC:Assign Role]: Role-management permissions.
Staff Chat Access - Tier 1: Self-explanatory; no longer used and there isn't a Tier 2.

Nitro Booster

Given to those who boosted the server via Discord Nitro.


Given to those who broke chat-related rules; prevents sending messages in any channel outside of tickets and disables connecting to voice channels.


AutoDelete: Unused, would've been used by an autodelete bot.
EazyAutodelete: Role used by the now-decommissioned EazyAutodelete#7792 (746453621821931634), which was used in the Discord server to clean up the login/account link channel.
RetroMC - Utilities: Role used by RetroMC - Utilities#2855 (1255422456777150495); used for embedding stuff in the #server-info rules channels.

Restricted Objects: Role with possibly limited permissions and/or channel access.

Auto Assigner: Automatically manages roles of members (syncing roles with in-game ranks.
RetroMC - Stats and Chat#8632 (1065685343921254472) does this.

SRV_BOT: Server Bot(?)
Bots: It's obvious.
ATLAS: Part of some ATLAS network; Atlas Utilities#3685 (811587877229953034) and the now-decommissioned Atlas Tickets#3622 (1047282634671263825) are part of this.
Unrelated to Portal 2's Atlas or the one from Bioshock.

[Mystic] 16.png ParadoxalGlitch: someday I'll get diamond wanderer.