Second Claimgate and The Trial of LukeIsStuff
The reorganization of the Greater Okeogi region in the early days of the Imperial Coalition included then-Prime Minister
marioboyrc splitting off the territory of modern-day Edago into its own town. With
steve02 banished to a tundra after the residents of Okeogi voted to ban Notchism, a new mayor would need to be appointed. This role would be fulfilled by resident
LukeIsStuff. He even entered the race to become the next Prime Minister.
The First Claimgate
In the aftermath of the first claimgate, administrators took precautionary actions to prevent the issuance of what Imperial Coalition residents call the "forbidden command." In reality, shortfalls in their measures resulted in inadequate safeguards.
The Forbidden Command is Used
On March 31st, 2019 at around 7:30PM EDT (just a day after the first claimgate had occurred),
LukeIsStuff entered the "Forbidden Command". The result was devastating. Several towns, including part of Spawn itself, were claimed.
LukeIsStuff was immediately cast as a pariah within the Imperial Coalition. The very security of the Imperial Coalition and its existence was called into question once again.
The Trial
LukeIsStuff was around during the First Claimgate and the Forbidden Command, so it was common knowledge for most Imperial Coalition residents. Thus,
LukeIsStuff was cast as a pariah and Prime Minister
marioboyrc stripped away his mayorship. The residents of the Imperial Coalition were still unsatisfied however and wanted him banished. The Coalition Assembly requested a trial. The result of the trial was that
LukeIsStuff would be banished indefinitely. This also ended his run for the Prime Minister position, effectively handing the victory to
In the aftermath, administrators restored the world and strengthened safeguards once more. A claimgate-type event has not occured since. In December of 2023, RetroMC migrated to a new custom plugin called JVillage and this particular claiming scandal is not possible for mayors.
LukeIsStuff would live in exile for an amount of time then return to found the city of New Edago under the Imperial Coalition. He would even go on to become Prime Minister and even a God Emperor in the United Imperial Provinces.
These are just some of the real reactions to the catastrophic events from the Imperial Coalition discord:
"Tell me it's a joke" -
"He even claimed part of spawn for Gods sake" "Yep, goodbye fellas" "I was the test dummy for that dumb command. Should have never happened again after the last incident a few nights ago." "Meanwhile this might be a good time to say ARIS FOR PM" -
"What the f***" "If you guys were looking for a reason for Luke to leading the coalition then this is one reason why." "Jesus Christ" "How the f*** did he do that" "I can't believe this happened." -
"He doesn't deserve that s***, including mayor" "F****** i****" -crazy
"Whoops" "And I was thinking about it" "And I just typed it in" "By accident" "But you guys need to stop worrying" -