Dirt Ocean

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The Dirt Ocean initiative was started by 16.png jcheese7, 16.png croakore, and 16.png SadieSadie; it was initially used to make space for the construction of Beetopia University, but the project has since expanded and aims to cover as much ocean as possible with dirt.
The initial call to action occured on 9th January 2024, and the location of the initial project is an extension of Beetopia.

Initially targeted site.
Phase 1 of Dirt Ocean

Slave labor usage

The project was able to take off quickly due to it's use of slave labour, with the assistance of 16.png Ade1ie (who acted as the driver/foreman over the workers) and 16.png 1blckhrt, alongside other members, it was ensured that dirt placement was efficient with minimal breaks.
Some players attempted to protest the use of slave labour, but they were ultimately unsuccessful.

The slave labour was approved by Our Dear Leader 16.png JohnyMuffin, Leader of the UIP 16.png Orknarok_666, Leader of FlatLand 16.png thecow275, UIP Enjoyer 16.png Noggisoggi and RetroMC Developer 16.png notsui.
They visited the dirt fields and offered "encouragement" to the slave workers to continue working hard for the glory of Beetopia and the UIP.

Dear Leader 16.png JohnyMuffin appeared and blessed the slave workers with dirt from the heavens.

16.png Noggisoggi joined in and dropped iron blocks to the masses below.

this is the reason my business died

- 16.png Noggisoggi, 12th Jan 2024 at 7:23 PM UTC +3

Memorial to Labourers

In recognition of their labour, all workers were forced recommended to place a sign with their name on it upon the newly created memorial – it will stand as a testament of the power of Beetopia, and the UIP.

16.png croakore

16.png SadieSadie

16.png ItsScientific

16.png Ender_Troler

16.png SvGaming2704

16.png Lolfacez9

16.png EnnioMB

16.png Tant33

16.png Noggisoggi

16.png j_person1

16.png QuiteShu

16.png OreoKid76

16.png Eresus

16.png ospence5

16.png UxorialMink9181

16.png TheFurryShark

16.png GasPowerKitten

16.png Garsooon

16.png Rovasty

16.png ScrubSandwich

16.png iKolossal

16.png GH0UL000

16.png plumocraft

16.png Omnikinesis

16.png JarTar

16.png Catgamer7

16.png hobowalka

16.png jonny3302

16.png ItsScientific

16.png Akio_01

16.png Theerider

16.png Lil_cultist

16.png xqsnow

16.png TilapiaPunk

16.png Orcwarrior25

16.png 1ezzen

16.png grumpenbug

16.png notsui

16.png DuskTheOne

16.png Lidx

16.png Elmar31elmar

16.png Grassboii

16.png aq2a

16.png J738Mano

16.png BjornMinn

16.png Iperyt

16.png Etomic

16.png Marciroll

16.png Sebastian_BF

16.png Tuffdog

16.png 64EU


The only "payment" the workers received was a free lunch (1 minute break max) supplied by 16.png UxorialMink9181.

12/01/2024: A union between FlatLand is currently being negotiated. Due to their close proximity, Supreme Leader James Cheese the 7th and FlatLand Leader 16.png thecow275 feel that this union would be mutually beneficial and ensure the slave labour can continue indefinitely.

14/01/2024: Beetopia and FlatLand are now connected in union via the Dirt Ocean. May this union between two great nations be fruitful.