LogBlock tutorial

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Revision as of 10:07, 16 March 2024 by Noggisoggi (talk | contribs) (Formatting fixes; added one more useful command)
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ℹ️ Notice: Only Mystic & above have access to LogBlock.

LogBlock is the tool used for identifying who placed blocks, and undo/redo player placements; main application for this is repairing griefs. For the full parameters list, run /lb params (see LogBlock parameters for more info), and /lb commands for the command list.

Querying block logs

/lb <params>
Example: /lb area 5 time 30d block brick player Noggisoggi TheFurryShark
Outputs brick block changes made by the players Noggisoggi & TheFurryShark within the last 30 days in a radius of 5 from the player that executed it.
Not all of these parameters are required.

Alternatively, you can use:
/lb t

  • Gives you a wooden pickaxe.
  • Right-click (or equivalent) on a block to check its logs.

You can change the query used by the tool by using:
/lb t <params>
Example: /lb t area 5 time 30d block brick player Noggisoggi TheFurryShark

/lb tb

  • Gives you a block of coal ore; limited to staff members only.
  • Left-click (or equivalent) on a block to check its logs.
  • Right-click (or equivalent) on a block to check the adjacent block's logs.
  • Do not distribute this or you will be demoted!

You can change the query used by the toolblock by using:
/lb tb <params>

Useful commands

LogBlock can be confusing when using it for the first time, so for reference, a handful of commands are listed below.

  • /lb coords area 5 player Aruamu

This command gives coordinates of all blocks created and destroyed by 16.png Aruamu in a 5-block radius from the player that runs it, as well as numbers in parenthesis's next to each entry - via /lb tp x, you can teleport to the location of said entry, with x being the number associated with the entry.
This can also be edited by parameters respectively at the end of the command.

  • /lb lookup destroyed area 5 since 1d

This command will lookup all destroyed blocks in a radius of 5 from the time span of 1 day, and is very useful to quickly see any griefs in an area.

⚠️ Warning: Be careful running this in an area where there are lots of logged edits (Spawn, for example).

  • /lb tb area 5 player Noggisoggi

Makes the toolblock retrive logs of block modifcations by 16.png Noggisoggi in a 5-block radius from where it was placed.


ℹ️ Notice: Rollbacks are limited to staff members only, moderators to be specific.

⚠️ Warning: Always add the area parameter, otherwise you might break some builds of player when rolling back their actions; unless that player joined specifically to grief, then in which case, you can omit the area parameter.

In most situations, you should do:
/lb rb area 5 time 1d block <block> player <playername>
/lb rb area 5 time 1d block wood player Noggisoggi
Feel free to adjust the parameters based on your current situation.
Monitor the number of edits that would be rollbacked; if you suspect the number is too high or made a mistake in the parameters, do: /no
Otherwise, if you want to confirm a rollback: /yes