LogBlock parameters

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ℹ️ Notice: Only Staff have access to parameters.

Check LogBlock tutorial for a more introductory look.

Parameters ("Params") are keywords used to edit how LB queries the database(s).
These can be as simple as limiting your query to a player's blocks or more advanced things, like limiting your query down to the date, and time down to the second.
/lb params allows you to see all parameters and their proper usage in game.

Parameters are inserted where <param> is in the command, for instance: /lb area 5
area is the parameter, with 5 being the radius in a square from the player's current position.

Location-based parameters

Location based parameters are use to specify a specific location either around the player, or WorldEdit region selection.

  • area (radius)

Area is used to search the immediate area around the player in a square radius.

  • sel or selection

It's used to search inside the current WorldEdit region selection.

  • world <world>

Changes the world for LB to check.
Not used often as LB always uses your current world. (id est, retromc (overworld), retromc_nether, farlands, skylands)

Filter-based parameters

Filter-based parameters are used to specify what filters to use for blocks/players when querying.

  • block <block1> <block2>

The block parameter filters your selection by specific blocks; for example: /lb area 5 player Garsooon block torch

  • player <username> <username2>

The player parameter filters by players; multiple players can be input into the command by simply putting another one in before another parameter.
For example: /lb area 5 player Garsooon Noggisoggi

  • created or destroyed
    A very useful parameter to check for either just destroyed or created blocks; by default, LB uses both and is not required to be specified.

  • chestaccess
    Shows chest access.

Time-based parameters

This one is pretty self explanatory – time parameters specify a specific time to search for LB entries.

  • time

This is used to limit the query to a time frame before your current time.
For example: /lb area 5 Garsooon time 1d would search your current area for 16.png Garsooon's actions in a 5 block square, back to 1 day ago.
These abbreviations are used to specify a timeframe (Number goes before abbreviation): d (Days), h (Hours), m (Minutes), and s (Seconds)

  • since

Much like the above parameter, since shows all results from a specified date in the format.
<dd.MM.yyyy> or <HH.mm.ss>

  • before

The opposite of the since parameter with the same formatting, this shows all results before the specified date.

Result parameters

  • sum <blocks|players>

The sum parameter allows you to summarize all blocks destroyed and created in a nice tabular column; the blocks sub-parameter summarizes by block type created and destroyed, unless otherwise specified.

The players sub-parameter allows you to sort by the amount of blocks created and destroyed by players in your selection, and can be specified down to the block via the above.

⚠️ Warning: Please (for the love of Scout), never, EVER, use the sum parameter before the player parameter.
  • coords

This parameter displays all results from your selection with coordinates along with numbers in parentheses, and allows you to use /lb tp xwith x being the number next to the corresponding result.

Miscellaneous Parameters

Miscellaneous Parameters are parameters that don't exactly fall into the above categories, but may be useful nonetheless.

  • asc or desc

The asc or desc parameter displays the log generated from your command in either ascending or descending order; not very useful unless you have a large amount of results.

  • limit

The limit parameter limits how many rows show up when querying the database from your specified area; the default value is 15.

  • silent
