Staff list
This is the list of staff members as well as the list of former members; see Ranks#Staff ranks for info about the ranks.
The staff policy and punishment manual outline the guidelines for staff members to follow.
Current staff
Server Operator | Administrators | Moderators | Helpers | Developers |
JohnyMuffin |
floskater99 |
Former staff
Server Operators | Administrators | Moderators | Helpers | Developers |
Orknarok_666 |
_DarkOps_ Admirql_Doge
DannyFather Dispensa
drogba32 Dronan Ekoro
Fizzacles HelpWanted1
megadom PertSK sugarOyster
Cooper04226 EvantheMovieGuy filmdestruction iiEmmax
KomodoDragon108 LuciferSam
LukeisStuff NotcX
ugapeyton |
4PPL35 _Revok_
_SkyFalls bloodseal cherryicee chokemedaddie concobhar DeadAI
Faxnos Gavindg04_ gyllenebananen1
Lunar_Ec1ipse MapleTheOne Peperos Sherval SkittleGodHalo Superspiderxc TayphoonTV
Tight UltimatePeyton
Wolfgang12 Dude123Lego
Staff additions and removals
- July 2:
JohnyMuffin is promoted to Admin.
- Early 2017:
JohnyMuffin assumes the rank of Owner.
fizzacles is promoted to Moderator.
- June 4th:
filmdestruction is promoted to Moderator
- August 4th
AZ3RENA is promoted to Developer.
Gyllenebananen1 is promoted to Helper.
- November 12:
filmdestruction resigns.
- December 16th:
AZ3RENA resigns.
- "Dave" resigns. (Player and Rank unknown)
_Revok_ is promoted to Helper.
- January 16th
sugarOyster rejoins staff as Admin.
- March 10th:
UltimatePeyton is promoted to Helper.
- April 1st:
thetrashcan101 is demoted.
Coromax37 is demoted.
PertSK is demoted.
- April 2nd:
Jilm resigns.
- April 16th:
ArtyomPetrovich is promoted to Helper.
- July 4th:
Sherval is promoted to Helper.
ugapeyton is promoted to Helper.
- July 25th:
Tight is promoted to Helper.
- January 19th:
concobhar is promoted to Helper.
- May 15th:
Admirql_Doge is promoted to Administrator.
- August 4th:
UltimatePeyton resigns
- August 29th:
Orknarok_666 is promoted to Trial Helper
- October 10th:
NotcX is promoted to Moderator.
- January 2nd:
Orknarok_666 is promoted to Moderator.
- May 13th:
7n9 is federated from BetaLands and promoted to Admin.
- August 3rd:
alephcake is promoted to Trial Helper.
- August 30th:
Owen2k6 is promoted to Trial Helper.
- September 29th:
Owen2k6 is promoted to Helper.
- November 20th:
Owen2k6 is promoted to Moderator
- June 3rd:
alephcake is promoted to Helper.
- August 13th:
Owen2k6 is promoted to Administrator.
- December 3rd:
sshshark is promoted to Trial Helper.
- December 17th:
sshshark is promoted to Helper.
- December 29th:
alephcake is promoted to Moderator.
- January 11th:
CruxyMC is promoted to Trial Helper.
- January 15th:
sshshark is promoted to Moderator.
- January 26th:
CruxyMC is promoted to Helper.
- February 26th:
1blckhrt, is promoted to Trial Helper.
- March 12th:
CruxyMC is promoted to Moderator.
- March 15th:
Gavindg04_ and Noggisoggi are promoted to Trial Helper.
- March 29th:
Noggisoggi is promoted to Helper.
Gavindg04_ is promoted to Helper.
- May 5th:
thecow275 is promoted to Trial Helper.
- May 15th:
thecow275 is promoted to Helper.
- June 23rd:
Noggisoggi is promoted to Moderator
thecow275 is promoted to Moderator.
- July 7th
sugarOyster rejoins staff as Moderator.
- July 30th:
1blckhrt is promoted to Moderator
ScrubSandwich is promoted to Trial Helper.
NotcX is demoted.
- August 7th:
_SkyFalls is promoted to Trial Helper.
- August 10th:
alephcake resigned.
ScrubSandwich is promoted to Helper.
- August 14th:
Ingrate is promoted to Trial Helper.
- August 31st:
CruxyMC is promoted to Admin.
Ingrate and _SkyFalls are promoted to Helper.
- September 1st:
Owen2k6 is demoted to Moderator.
Owen2k6 resigned.
- September 30th:
sshshark resigns.
- October 27th:
_SkyFalls is demoted.
Ingrate is demoted.
Cooper04226 is demoted.
ugapeyton is demoted.
- November 19th:
ScrubSandwich is promoted to Moderator.
- November 20th:
jcheese7 is promoted to Trial Helper
- November 29th:
sshshark returns to the staff team as Moderator.
Gavindg04_ resigns.
- December 1st:
Owen2k6 returns to the staff team as Moderator.
- December 8th:
jcheese7 is promoted to Helper.
- December 15th:
Orknarok_666 is promoted to Server Operator.
- December 20th:
sugarOyster is demoted.
- December 31st 2023 to January 2nd of 2024:
EternalllZM resigns and obtains the [trooper]
rank in-game.
- January 7th:
MapleTheOne is demoted.
- January 27th:
Garsooon is promoted to Trial Helper.
- February 8th:
Owen2k6 is demoted and ScrubSandwich resigns.
- February 9th:
Garsooon is promoted to Helper.
jcheese7 is promoted to Moderator.
- March 10th:
Noggisoggi and thecow275 are promoted to Admin.
- April 20th:
Garsooon is promoted to Moderator.
- April 22nd:
floskater99 is promoted to Developer.
Lunar_Ec1ipse is promoted to Trial Helper.
- May 13th:
Lunar_Ec1ipse is promoted to Helper.
- May 16th:
jcheese7 resigns.
- July 1st:
Lunar_Ec1ipse is demoted.
- July 17th:
1blckhrt is promoted to Developer
- July 19th:
Grassboii is promoted to Developer due to Johny losing a bet in the former's casino.
- August 11th:
CruxyMC resigns.
- August 12th:
Orknarok_666 resigns.
- August 27th:
thecow275 is delegated the responsibility of managing moderators and below.
KingDaKa4 is promoted to Trial Helper.