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[Admin] | [Mystic]
Join Date
December 11th, 2022
General information
UIP Member:Yes

CruxyMC, formerly firewarrior99, is a former RetroMC admin and the current owner of Atacama.

December 11th, 2022 is when Cruxy started his journey on the best minecrap server in the galaxy. Prior to becoming staff, he was named firewarrior99 and woke up at 1 PM EST to do nothing, but play RetroMC.

Then he became staff, and renamed to CruxyMC.

Then he was promoted to admin.

It all went downhill from here.

And then on 11th August 2024, he resigned.

But then on November 1st, 2024, he re-applied for staff and was promoted to moderator.

And then on 29 Dec 2024, he was re-promoted to Admin.