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This page documents the lexicon that is commonly used by players and staff members of RetroMC.


  • "wb"

Stands for "welcome back". Used in other servers as well.

  • Example:

< 16.png JohnyMuffin> Has Joined The Game
< 16.png Kszychu> wb

  • "true and real/real and true"

Originated from 16.png Orknarok_666. This emphasizes and indicates a statement that's said is in fact true and agreeable.

  • Example:

< 16.png jcheese7> lets all go play on RetroMC. This place sucks
< 16.png Orknarok_666> true and real

This is described as a condition that players get after a while and it showcases what kind of a person they are (In some cases, their behavior is altered); there are quite a lot of variants.
To people outside RMC, this could be classified as 'pseudoscience'; not to the people who believe in Scout's actions.

This is used to describe any and all mystical events or odd, strange behavior.

  • Example:

< 16.png _Kliwenad> he used external automation to make me mine the diamonds.
< 16.png aq2a> plasmoid sighted

  • "Evil"

Defined as 'heretic/heresy'.

  • Example:

< 16.png 1blckhrt> we do a little bit of trolling
< 16.png Orknarok_666> evil

  • "JBans/LMBS/LMBD, Twilight Shadow Realm"

Integrated Legacy Minecraft Ban System. Also refers to any kind of ban in general.

  • Example:

< 16.png Creepaster> i'm negative yearold
< 16.png Ade1ie> Send this player to the shadow realm.

  • "hmmm" (Any variant)

16.png Noggisoggi's catchphrase that expresses thought.
Blame him for overusing this.

  • Example:

< 16.png VerboseEwe67337> what does alt f4 do
< 16.png Noggisoggi> hmmm

  • "the forces of reality"

Mysterious yet familiar force that compels 16.png Noggisoggi and probably other players to leave VCs (for the education/sleep lands most of the time).
May or may not be the alternate name for the powers that be.

  • Example:

16.png Noggisoggi: the forces of reality summon me

Estimated time of arrival is either within a few days to a week, or several years.
An original trademark do not steal.

  • Example:

< 16.png Ade1ie> I wonder when Nations will actually be a thing in Jvillage
< 16.png jcheese7> SoonTM

  • "Don't worry about it"

Said in response when suspicions about an action is raised.

  • Example:

< 16.png AnimusFoxx> why does everybody on this server say true and real
< 16.png Orknarok_666> don't worry about it

  • "Notchcode™"

Quality code that is obviously 200% impeccable true and real definitely doesn't give modders a stroke.

  • Example:

< 16.png Shampooboots> agh why does redstone take so long to mine with an iron pick
< 16.png Noggisoggi> notchcode™

  • "Fede p/Fedep"

Originated from [Name redacted!], popularized by 16.png SadieSadie.
No meaning available.

  • Example:

< 16.png Noggisoggi> sader
< 16.png SadieSadie> fede p

  • "the ultimate true and real"

Describes 16.png CruxyMC.

  • Example:

< 16.png CruxyMC> Has Joined The Game
< 16.png Noggisoggi> wb mister ultimate true and real

  • "Based"

Meaning changes depending on context: Cool; agreeable; confident and correct at all times; never wrong; the ultimate true and real

  • Example:

< 16.png PotatoManIsEpic> Im playing a swedish game meanwhile eating swedish meatballs in sweden
< 16.png Orknarok_666> based

  • "h"

16.png Ade1ie.

  • Example:

< 16.png baboonbuddy> Ork's slimeballs are REALLY cheap, what the hecccck
< 16.png Ade1ie> h

  • "It's obvious"

Obviously, clearly, exceedingly simple and easy to grasp and understand.

  • Example:

< 16.png thecow275> what ? im a full helper all of a sudden wow so I have done a good job it seems :3
< 16.png Ade1ie> it's obvious

  • how dee feller
  • alrighty
  • oh ok; ah ok; ah; I see
  • ".;,;."

Something 16.png Grassboii says.

How .;,;. appears ingame
Spider variation
  • "I don't care"

This is what 16.png CruxyMC often says to trouble makers and their bullshit.