First Prime Minister Election

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The Candidates

There were four declared candidates in the April, 2019, Imperial Coalition Prime Minister election. They were:

  • ArmaggeddonElite, Mayor of NazTec
  • LukeisStuff, Mayor of Edago
  • Aris, Mayor of Riveria
  • Cheekus_Breekus, Resident Assistant in Okeogi


ArmeggeddonElite was the mayor of the industrial town of NazTec in Greater Okeogi. He gave the following speech in the campaign discord channel: ‎


LukeIsStuff was the mayor of Edago, a town in Greater Okeogi. Here is his speech: ‎


Aris was the mayor of the Holy Riverian Domain, the second largest town in the Imperial Coalition at the time. His speech is below: ‎


Cheekus_Breekus, a resident assistant in Okeogi, said this:

Discord Debates

On the campaigns channel, candidates were allowed to debate the issues. Here are two examples:
What should the powers of the new Prime Minister be?

When should the Prime Minister should step down?

The Fall of LukeIsStuff's Campaign

LukeIsStuff's campaign began to suffer and he was losing supporters. He addressed one of the possible causes having to do with Edago's history with Steve02 and Notchism:


On March 31st, MrLevi, the mayor of Leviathan announced that he was going to support Riverian mayor Aris. At 4:39pm after LukeIsStuff addressed his history with Notchism, Cliffside resident Felbourn announced his support for Aris too. Then, LukeIsStuff committed a claimgate and his support tanked.

Aris Becomes the Prime Minister

With 35% voter turnout, Riveria mayor Aris easily wins the election with a supermajority of the vote. Invitations are posted in the Imperial Coalition discord and the RetroMC discord. At the flag walk in the Imperial Coalition capital of Okeogi, Aris gives a speech and puts on the Imperial Crown, starting an important tradition in the empire. File:The Invitation.png