Staff list: Difference between revisions

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(cakedon -> alephcake)
mNo edit summary
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:- Developer
:- Developer
* {{user-nonwiki|KL200}}
* {{user-nonwiki|KL200}}
:- Former head admin
* {{user-nonwiki|megadom}}  
* {{user-nonwiki|megadom}}  
* {{user|Owen2k6}}
* {{user|Owen2k6}}

Revision as of 13:17, 21 August 2024

This is the list of staff members as well as the list of former members; see Ranks#Staff ranks for info about the ranks.
The staff policy and punishment manual outline the guidelines for staff members to follow.

Current staff

Server Operator Administrators Moderators Developers

16.png JohnyMuffin
Server owner, developer

16.png 7n9

- Also a developer

16.png Noggisoggi

16.png thecow275

16.png sshshark

16.png 1blckhrt

- Also a developer

16.png Garsooon

16.png Grassboii

16.png notsui

16.png floskater99

Former staff

Server Operators Administrators Moderators Helpers Developers

16.png startchoppin

- Previously SuperSheriff & Spacewolfe
- Former server owner.

16.png EternalllZM

- Previously sp00nd
- Former server operator.

16.png Orknarok_666

16.png __Onion__

- Previously GhastlyBlock
- Former server co-owner.
- Former head admin.

16.png _DarkOps_

16.png Admirql_Doge

- Nicknamed Sasa

16.png Antreya

- Previously chuggacornoroy

16.png Coromax37

- Previously Swaglicious_R

16.png CruxyMC

16.png DannyFather

16.png Dispensa

- Previously DispensaGoinUp

16.png drogba32

16.png Dronan

16.png Ekoro

- Nicknamed Scarista

16.png Fizzacles

16.png HelpWanted1

- Previously Iron_Paladin5

16.png Jilm

- Developer

16.png KL200

- Former head admin

16.png megadom

16.png Owen2k6

16.png PertSK

16.png sugarOyster

- Previously Chelle & Deprimeret

16.png 14brendan1

- Developer

16.png alephcake

16.png Beezle

- Previously BeezleYT

16.png Cooper04226

16.png EvantheMovieGuy

16.png filmdestruction

16.png iiEmmax

- Nicknamed Nobody

16.png jcheese7

16.png KomodoDragon108

16.png LuciferSam

- Undercover Moderator

16.png LukeisStuff

16.png NotcX

16.png ScrubSandwich

- Previously ScrubSandwich

16.png ugapeyton

16.png 4PPL35

16.png _Revok_

- Previously RevokGaming

16.png _SkyFalls

16.png bloodseal

16.png cherryicee

16.png chokemedaddie

16.png concobhar

16.png DeadAI

- Previously aZelda
- Developer

16.png Faxnos

16.png Gavindg04_

16.png gyllenebananen1

- Nicknamed Icy_Moth

16.png Ingrate

16.png Jacob28282

- Previously thetrashcan101

16.png KingMackLXIX

- Previously ArtyomPetrovich

16.png Lunar_Ec1ipse

16.png MapleTheOne

16.png Peperos

16.png Sherval

16.png SkittleGodHalo

16.png Superspiderxc

16.png TayphoonTV

- Previously TommyXDD

16.png Tight

16.png UltimatePeyton

- Previously Ultimate_Peyton

16.png Wolfgang12

16.png Dude123Lego

- Trial Helper

16.png Saghetti

- Trial helper

16.png TheOneTold

- Trial helper

16.png AZ3RENA

- Previously Dabato_

Staff additions and removals


  • July 2:

16.png JohnyMuffin is promoted to Admin.


  • Early 2017:

16.png JohnyMuffin assumes the rank of Owner.

16.png fizzacles is promoted to Moderator.


  • June 4th:

16.png filmdestruction is promoted to Moderator

  • August 4th

16.png AZ3RENA is promoted to Developer.

16.png Gyllenebananen1 is promoted to Helper.

  • November 12:

16.png filmdestruction resigns.

  • December 16th:

16.png AZ3RENA resigns.

  • "Dave" resigns. (Player and Rank unknown)

16.png _Revok_ is promoted to Helper.


  • January 16th

16.png sugarOyster rejoins staff as Admin.

  • March 10th:

16.png UltimatePeyton is promoted to Helper.

  • April 1st:

16.png thetrashcan101 is demoted.

16.png Coromax37 is demoted.

16.png PertSK is demoted.

  • April 2nd:

16.png Jilm resigns.

  • April 16th:

16.png ArtyomPetrovich is promoted to Helper.

  • July 4th:

16.png Sherval is promoted to Helper.

16.png ugapeyton is promoted to Helper.

  • July 25th:

16.png Tight is promoted to Helper.


  • January 19th:

16.png concobhar is promoted to Helper.

  • May 15th:

16.png Admirql_Doge is promoted to Administrator.

  • August 4th:

16.png UltimatePeyton resigns

  • August 29th:

16.png Orknarok_666 is promoted to Trial Helper

  • October 10th:

16.png NotcX is promoted to Moderator.


  • January 2nd:

16.png Orknarok_666 is promoted to Moderator.

  • May 13th:

16.png 7n9 is federated from BetaLands and promoted to Admin.

  • August 3rd:

16.png alephcake is promoted to Trial Helper.

  • August 30th:

16.png Owen2k6 is promoted to Trial Helper.

  • September 29th:

16.png Owen2k6 is promoted to Helper.

  • November 20th:

16.png Owen2k6 is promoted to Moderator


  • June 3rd:

16.png alephcake is promoted to Helper.

  • August 13th:

16.png Owen2k6 is promoted to Administrator.

  • December 3rd:

16.png sshshark is promoted to Trial Helper.

  • December 17th:

16.png sshshark is promoted to Helper.

  • December 29th:

16.png alephcake is promoted to Moderator.


  • January 11th:

16.png CruxyMC is promoted to Trial Helper.

  • January 15th:

16.png sshshark is promoted to Moderator.

  • January 26th:

16.png CruxyMC is promoted to Helper.

  • February 26th:

16.png 1blckhrt, is promoted to Trial Helper.

  • March 12th:

16.png CruxyMC is promoted to Moderator.

  • March 15th:

16.png Gavindg04_ and 16.png Noggisoggi are promoted to Trial Helper.

  • March 29th:

16.png Noggisoggi is promoted to Helper.

16.png Gavindg04_ is promoted to Helper.

  • May 5th:

16.png thecow275 is promoted to Trial Helper.

  • May 15th:

16.png thecow275 is promoted to Helper.

  • June 23rd:

16.png Noggisoggi is promoted to Moderator

16.png thecow275 is promoted to Moderator.

  • July 7th

16.png sugarOyster rejoins staff as Moderator.

  • July 30th:

16.png 1blckhrt is promoted to Moderator

16.png ScrubSandwich is promoted to Trial Helper.

16.png NotcX is demoted.

  • August 7th:

16.png _SkyFalls is promoted to Trial Helper.

  • August 10th:

16.png alephcake resigned.

16.png ScrubSandwich is promoted to Helper.

  • August 14th:

16.png Ingrate is promoted to Trial Helper.

  • August 31st:

16.png CruxyMC is promoted to Admin.

16.png Ingrate and 16.png _SkyFalls are promoted to Helper.

  • September 1st:

16.png Owen2k6 is demoted to Moderator.

16.png Owen2k6 resigned.

  • September 30th:

16.png sshshark resigns.

  • October 27th:

16.png _SkyFalls is demoted.

16.png Ingrate is demoted.

16.png Cooper04226 is demoted.

16.png ugapeyton is demoted.

  • November 19th:

16.png ScrubSandwich is promoted to Moderator.

  • November 20th:

16.png jcheese7 is promoted to Trial Helper

  • November 29th:

16.png sshshark returns to the staff team as Moderator.

16.png Gavindg04_ resigns.

  • December 1st:

16.png Owen2k6 returns to the staff team as Moderator.

  • December 8th:

16.png jcheese7 is promoted to Helper.

  • December 15th:

16.png Orknarok_666 is promoted to Server Operator.

  • December 20th:

16.png sugarOyster is demoted.


  • December 31st 2023 to January 2nd of 2024:

16.png EternalllZM resigns and obtains the [trooper] rank in-game.

  • January 7th:

16.png MapleTheOne is demoted.

  • January 27th:

16.png Garsooon is promoted to Trial Helper.

  • February 8th:

16.png Owen2k6 is demoted and 16.png ScrubSandwich resigns.

  • February 9th:

16.png Garsooon is promoted to Helper.

16.png jcheese7 is promoted to Moderator.

  • March 10th:

16.png Noggisoggi and 16.png thecow275 are promoted to Admin.

  • April 20th:

16.png Garsooon is promoted to Moderator.

  • April 22nd:

16.png floskater99 is promoted to Developer.

16.png Lunar_Ec1ipse is promoted to Trial Helper.

  • May 13th:

16.png Lunar_Ec1ipse is promoted to Helper.

  • May 16th:

16.png jcheese7 resigns.

  • July 1st:

16.png Lunar_Ec1ipse is demoted.

  • July 17th:

16.png 1blckhrt is promoted to Developer

  • July 19th:

16.png Grassboii is promoted to Developer due to Johny losing a bet in the former's casino.

  • August 11th:

16.png CruxyMC resigns.

  • August 12th:

16.png Orknarok_666 resigns.