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View of the town
16.png SFRricraz63
Town Members
16.png BeefCheeks1

16.png HanSolo20

16.png breech03

16.png Father_Hashbrown

16.png punishergames

16.png DogPool_

16.png SevenBrokenVases

16.png MalleableClay

16.png iDelti_xX

16.png CallMeMrSeal

16.png 5osi

16.png Slavic_Polygon

16.png Timi1011

16.png tronitas46

16.png Leivu

16.png Yohan2009

16.png PaleOre

16.png SkyLLer1

16.png DorbiterYT

16.png SK2KillerGames

16.png Illuminati_INC

16.png diggsdog

16.png Diet_Cola

16.png QueenOfAsh

16.png panda_the_man

16.png MKguinea

16.png TEDDYMASTER3000
16.png 3368 16.png PacmanSyu
General information
Established:December 31st, 2024

NorthernEmpires is a town on RetroMC, located in a snowy biome not far from DogTown.

It was created on December 31st, 2024 by 16.png SFRricraz63.

Despite officially being Assistant, 16.png 3368 is considered to be as a de-facto owner, on the same level as 16.png SFRricraz63 .



16.png SFRricraz63 first joined the server on December 30th, 2024. Initially, he teamed up with two other players, with the intention of creating a town together. When this did not come to fruition as planned, 16.png SFRricraz63 and 16.png 3368, who had joined after being invited by 16.png SFRricraz63, decided to leave the town and founded NorthernEmpires on December 31st, 2024.


Notable Structures

Mushroom Chamber

A dark room for farming red and brown mushrooms. One of the oldest structures in the town.

Communal Wheat Farm Building

Located in the center of town, this building provides a reliable food source. It is rarely used.


Great Fortress

Arguably the architectural centerpiece of the town due to its imposing presence on the skyline, this height-limit-reaching cobblestone behemoth was created by 16.png SFRricraz63.

A view from below the tower

3368's House

Built into the side of a hill, 16.png 3368's multi-storey residence features several furnished rooms.

The front facade of the house

Hans' Cabin

Construction of this wooden cabin was started by 16.png HanSolo20 shortly after joining the town on Januar 4th, 2025. It features an upper floor made entire of spruce logs, a balcony, overhanging roof and stone retaining wall on the back. It is surrounded by custom-built spruce trees.

Front of the building, viewed from the frozen lake

Stone Chapel

This rectangular, barrel-vaulted building was created by 16.png PacmanSyu from January 3rd, 2025 to Januar 5th 2025.

Exterior view
Interior, facing down the aisle toward the cross-shaped window

Aether Portal

Does it work?


16.png SRFricraz63's shop sells moss stone, diamonds, and other items.

Front facade of the retail establishment


The hotel was built by 16.png SFRricraz63 during the middle of January 2025. It is inspired by a motel in the town of Novac in the video game Fallout: New Vegas. Prices range from $70 for a standard room, to $150 for a deluxe room with a balcony.

Rooms for sale!

Ongoing Projects

DogTown Road

Due to its proximity to, and friendly relations with, the neighboring DogTown, the two villages decided to establish a road connection. As of January 19, 2025 the 3 block wide gravel road is still under construction.

Arts district

The art district, located some distance away from the town in a grassy area, is intended to provide space for pixel art without visually impacting the town itself. As of January 19, 2025 the designated area is being flattened and prepared by 3368.


Stargate Network


DogTown Road

