
From RetroMC
Revision as of 02:40, 27 August 2024 by Ade1ie (talk | contribs) (Added "Before January 12th of 2024" in the RetroMC Wiki section.)
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Join Date
June 21st, 2022
General information
Status:Semi Active


16.png Ade1ie, various times.

16.png Ade1ie, also known as 16.png Ade, is a player on RetroMC known for his cursed personality, being a contributor for the RetroMC Wiki when it comes to the server history + formatting, & owning the 3rd most populated town in RetroMC, Aether, with it having 117 members. He is also the first non-staff member to reach 1k hours.

Village Info
Owns: Aether, Dni, Malta, Nether, Oasikin, Ohio, Overworld, Yocumtown.
Assistant In: AlphaLands, Atacama, Beetopia, MarketTown, NeOhio, Old Trinity, SharkCity, Trinity III.
Member In: Aethernia, Coastwood, East Korea, Isometrycality, Kekistan, Stonehaven, Wendover.

RetroMC Stats

RetroMC Wiki

Before January 12th of 2024

After May 7th, 2023, which was when the RetroMC Wiki was created by 16.png notsui. 16.png Ade1ie had heard some rumors that there was now a RetroMC Wiki in existence and that only staff members were allowed to use it, so he didn’t really any pay any attention to it at first, until June 26th, 2023 which was when there was an announcement in the RetroMC Beta Minecraft Discord #announcements channel where 16.png CruxyMC had announced that there was indeed a RetroMC Wiki in existence (confirming that the rumors were true) and that it was now public for everyone to edit which, at first, made 16.png Ade1ie excited since he had always wanted a wiki about the server since 2022, that was until when he read about this rule that was in the announcement. (which has since been made less strict) "Do not go and edit other peoples pages without permission it will get you banned." A rule which made 16.png Ade1ie demotivated to work on the new wiki, since in most wikis, users are allowed to edit pages without permission from the user who created that page. Which to 16.png Ade1ie, didn't make sense, since according to him, "that's how wikis thrive in the first place" and that "most pages won't have the greatest quality if there aren't users that can improve on it because of that rule" (a belief that he still holds). However, 16.png Ade1ie never publicly commented on that specific rule until way after that rule had been made to be less strict. So because of that rule (and other various reasons), 16.png Ade1ie never created an account on the RetroMC Wiki in 2023, and it wasn’t until August 4th, 2023, when 16.png Ade1ie had gained interest on the RetroMC Wiki again. This was because of the creation of the "RetroMC Wiki - Public Forum Thread", which was created in the #retromc-forum. Now players could now discuss about the Wiki in a Discord thread, but even then, 16.png Ade1ie still would not make a Wiki account. However, 16.png Ade1ie would often check in on the thread to see what progress was being made on the Wiki and on August 7th, 2023, 16.png Noggisoggi would create a page on 16.png Ade1ie's town, Aether. 16.png Ade1ie would also appear in Template:Infobox Election & Template:Infobox 10col test. And so for the rest of the year, 16.png Ade1ie would not create a Wiki account. That was until January 12th, 2024.

January 12th - January 17th of 2024


January 18th - March 22nd of 2024


March 23rd - May 16th of 2024


May 17th - July 28th of 2024


July 29th - August 18th of 2024


August 19th - August 24th of 2024


August 25th - TBD



Server Timeline


  • June 21st, 2022: 16.png Ade1ie joined RetroMC.
  • July 7th, 2022: 16.png Ade1ie joined 16.png Wolfgang12’s underground town, "Dni," and was made town assistant the next day.
  • July 23rd, 2022: 16.png Ade1ie ranked up to [Citizen].
  • July 27th, 2022: 16.png Ade1ie ranked up to [Citizen].
  • July 31th, 2022: 16.png Ade1ie was added to Mall 3's hall of contributors after he donated 20 stacks of stone to 16.png Orknarok_666.
  • August 5th, 2022: 16.png Ade1ie teamed up with 16.png audiosupernova and went to the Skylands and made an outpost there.
  • August 7th, 2022: 16.png Ade1ie’s & 16.png audiosupernova’s Skylands outpost was officially claimed by Dni.
  • October 3rd, 2022: 16.png Ade1ie decided to leave Dni and turned his & 16.png audiosupernova’s Skylands outpost into a new town which he called “Aether”.


  • January 3rd, 2023: 16.png Ade1ie founded Ohio.
  • May 1st, 2023: 16.png Ade1ie decided to run for Spawn Town mayor in the 2nd Spawn Town Election, and on May 6th, the election ended with him coming in 3rd place (along with 16.png thecow275) with 5 votes.
  • October 5th, 2023: 16.png Ade1ie reached 1000 hours of playtime and was later rewarded by 16.png Orknarok_666 with his own nick, "Ade" while still being [Citizen].


  • February 1st, 2024: 16.png Ade1ie was gifted [Legend] by 16.png LordVestik.
  • February 24th, 2024: 16.png Ade1ie becomes the first player to obtain the [Citizen] rank.

Wiki Timeline


  • January 12th, 2024: 16.png Ade1ie created an account on the RetroMC Wiki.
  • February 25th, 2024: 16.png Ade1ie makes his first town page “Dni” & posts his first file “Dni-1.png” in the RetroMC Wiki.
  • March 31st, 2024: 16.png Ade1ie makes his 100th contribution in the RetroMC Wiki.
  • May 7th, 2024: 16.png Ade1ie makes his 200th contribution in the RetroMC Wiki.
  • August 3rd, 2024: 16.png Ade1ie makes his 300th contribution in the RetroMC Wiki.
  • August 16th, 2024: 16.png Ade1ie makes his 400th contribution in the RetroMC Wiki.
  • August 20th, 2024: 16.png Ade1ie makes his 483rd contribution, and by doing so, he passed 16.png marioboyrc in wiki contributions, which made him officially 2nd in most wiki contributions in the RetroMC Wiki.
  • An hour later: 16.png Ade1ie makes his 500th contribution in the RetroMC Wiki.
  • August 22nd, 2024: 16.png Ade1ie makes his 600th contribution in the RetroMC Wiki.
  • August 25th, 2024: 16.png Ade1ie becomes a De Facto Wiki Moderator after 16.png Noggisoggi decides to take a break from regularly managing the RetroMC Wiki.