
The text written before section 3 is not verbatim; corrections and addtions are be made wherever possible.
Pilot1218, formerly CommandPrompter, also helped clarify some details, especially in its early days.
/!\: Some events may be excluded for brevity.
November 13th 2022 till December
Pilot1218 (then CommandPrompter) felt like his old town, SmileyTown (formerly perkeland) was unrevivable and thus, gave ownership to
PavuMC, so as to free Pilot from the chains of his old town (Back then, Towny limited players to only join 1 town at a time.) and to embark on another journey to establish a new town. To assist in achiving this goal, Pilot employed
Pilot preferred the location of the town to be nearby a world border and not inside of a snow biome. After a day of adventuring through RMC's landscapes, they found a hill nearby a coast and a world border. While deciding on whether (or not) to keep searching, Noggi told Pilot a quote from George S. Patton Jr.: A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed at some indefinite time in the future.
soggyInternetBrane (sIBr) was thus formed with these intial builds:
- An info board (made on 19th November)
- A semi-replica of Noggisoggi's base, soggyBrane (built on 17th Nov)
- Pilot1218's base (built on 18th Nov)
- Pilot's pixel art of Mario from Super Mario Brothers for the NES/Famicom
On the 18th of November,
Karl took a look at the town, and marked the border between sIBr and the inaccessible lands.
On the 23rd, Pilot and Noggi excavated underneath ObsidianCore, and made the Underground Section. It was initially conceived as an apartment, but that idea was later scrapped.
Basic info about sIBr was added there, alongside a corridor for the rooms, a wheat farm, a public mine (those last 2 were made on the 27th of November and have been closed to the public), and a personal computer room was built by Noggi inside one of the rooms (made from 25th Nov to 12th Dec).
The initial StarGates were linked between sIBr and sp00kySpider, a fancy-looking spider spawner. The gate at sIBr was shaped like sp00kySpider's entrance.
The original location of the town. Taken from the world map and sent to
Pilot1218's DMs.
The village spawn.
Pilot1218's (then CommandPrompter) house.
The underground section.
Formerly-public wheat farm.
sp00kySpider's entrance.
December 2022, and early 2023
10th December marked the first in a series of changes regarding the town's goals and motives.
Pilot and Noggi changed the name of the the town from soggyInternetBrane (sIBr) to ObsidianCore (ObCo) as it sounded cooler to both of them (and to
Orknarok_666 as well).
The next major build idea appeared in Noggi's mind during this time: a lounge in the Skylands, with a tavern, park & library, all in one island. Between 14th December 2022 and the 29th March of 2023, progress was slow yet steady; the hall, park, and tavern had their basic decoration & structure made. The insides of the tavern were furnished with a ceiling made of snow, and walls made out of wood logs. In March 2023, a restroom was added to the lounge, alongside a makeover of the lobby (walls made out of wool; glowstone in place of torches).
The StarGate in that same room has a missing texture pattern applied to its background; glowstone was embedded into the floor outside the lobby. In the park, a robotic lion with a figure riding it was made (christened Sphurnace by
cakedon), alongside a table with benches, a standalone bench, and a fountain; foliage was added wherever possible. With the last few lamp posts and the addition of the tree golem shrine, Noggi considered the lounge complete.
Lounge's hall in progress. (19 Dec 2022)
Lounge flooring complete; balcony's basic structure. (23 Dec 2022)
Basic structure of tavern. (25 Dec 2022)
During the aforementioned time frame, several events occured:
- CzTeddy joined ObsidianCore on December 14th of 2022 and was promoted to assistant after Pilot begged him to join for months.
- CzTeddy built his house of book(shelves) on 3rd March of 2023; and Noggisoggi requested Pilot to give ownership of ObCo to the former that same day.
- TheFurryShark took a partial look at ObCo, and gifted a gold block (nearby the underground section's entrance, upon which, Noggi built a beacon out of glass, iron and diamond blocks.
- Noggisoggi built an inflexible diving board on 29th March, and that same day, the sp00kySpider exterior at the gate was removed in place of a covering made of smooth stone slabs and bricks.
- A spawner toggle was implemented into sp00kySpider a while after pistons were re-enabled (17th March 2023).
Noggi made a Nether portal nearby the StarGate and claimed one of the flat areas inside the other dimension, and started building a landfill on 3rd May of 2023.
Progress was stalled due to an absence of productivity & motivation, until late June, when Noggi started work on it once more.
A StarGate was made there after adding stuff to it and after finishing the final touches on July 1st.
July 7th 2023 onwards
Using the Snowy Snowy Tundra as the basis for expansion, Noggisoggi built a StarGate over there, and started work on what was going to be a tower on July 7th, but he soon changed it to be an "Apple Store" instead.
He populated the store with noggiEquipment stuff and dug a path to the StarGate and placed gravel over it.
After adding a section for robot equipment, Noggi called the build complete on 13th July.
Noggi then changed the floor of the tundra StarGate room to snow blocks with a gravel border on 21 July.
The next day, with permission from
Pilot1218 and
CzTeddy (then Magumarashi), Noggi started the rennovation of the unfinished shop in the main district in ObCo, alongside triggering JGriefAlert upon doing so and telling staff that he obtained permission.
As for the changes made from the renovation, stairs were added to the ground floor as chairs, and bookshelves were added to the floor above.
Noggi also added trees and other foliage to ObCo and the tundra, and on 25th July, built a robot shooting at a target.
August-September 2023
4th August: Noggi built pixel art of Quote from Cave Story out of an idea drought.
Later that day, he approached
Orknarok_666 about adding ObCo to the UIP, and Ork approved the request; he added Noggi to the UIP, and invited him to Kekistan.
On the 11th, Noggi built the Happy Mac from Classic Mac OS, and then built a series of note blocks that play the login sound from Windows XP, based off orti's guide. (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cXNIkJ5PB0)
That same day, assistant
CzTeddy visited ObCo.
21st August: Noggi built pixel art of the Windows logo from 3.x.
The next day, he expanded the corridor in the underground section for the timeline as the old had no space left.
September 2023
On September 2nd, Noggi created a path above his base for a larger project: a facility – this was something he wanted to build for a while now, ever since he played Valve's Portal and after he formulated his building style.
For the next few days, a fissure and a hallway were made; throughout the course of September, slow-yet-steady progress was indeed being made – infirmary and a janitor's closet were made; more walls, floors, and ceilings had their materials changed to reflect a modern semi-industrial style, more so inspired by the aforementioned game.
Specifically, the hallway's path had gravel in the middle and cobblestone stairs were adjacent to the gravel.
Sep 29th: Noggi demoted both
Pilot1218 and
CzTeddy from assistants for complete inactivity.
During most of 2023, after the completions of the Skylands Lounge, a graudally increasing sense of loneliness encompassed Noggisoggi, though this wasn't the first time he experienced this.
Once, on an unmentionable thing he worked on somewhere else, and again, when working on sp00kySpider; but this time, he did find a solace in going solo.
Complete control over his builds; consistent progress; no fear of abandoned stuff by other players – these 3 things are what led him to lock down ObsidianCore's membership entirely; no new members after this point could join ObCo.
This way, he could give it some tender loving care without fear of intervention by others.
October-November 2023
13th October (Friday; /!\) Noggi toured
SadieSadie around ObCo, and showed him a sneek peak of the facility.
11th November: Noggi extended a path by the equipment store and encased the Windows XP login sound noteblock cover in glass.
18th November: Noggi worked on the floor above the infirmary/janitor's closet by replacing the wall materials and mined out one of the walls in a curved manner.
That same day,
TheFurryShark in a VC asked for a wheat farm, and teleported him to ObCo's wheat farm before unclaiming it temporarily – Shark then harvested & replanted a part of it.
Before 21st November: Noggi toured
jcheese7 and later, Shark to ObCo. Both of them were impressed, and jc7 offered Noggi to build an embassy in Beetopia. The latter approved the offer, and started building it on 21st Nov.
29th November was a bit eventful – Noggi built a /!\
to the exact pixel in the tundra and later that day, he,
CruxyMC, and
jcheese7, chilled out in ObCo's main district for a little bit.
The next day, Noggi added a gravel path adjacent to Quote and the /!\
December 2023
In December's early days, Noggi built and furnished a canteen in the facility, and excavated a corridor 90 degrees in the x/z axes.
14th December: Noggi moved the robot at the tundra from the ground to the top of the equipment store.
22nd December: He built a small memoir to Pilot and made a staff-only flying course with floating rings.
26nd December: He built a holding place for
Nerdo12 to add a StarGate.
29th December: He built a note block cover of Safety from the Cave Story OST; partially, as he didn't want to go through the trouble of making sure tempos match and stuff.
TablePointFive logged onto RMC when Noggi was covering the glass; the latter asked the former to take a look and listen to the cover, and Table approved it.
Also, Noggi brought a bunch of his tamed wolves to ObCo after testing a bug regarding them.
January 2024
January 15th: Noggi told Nerdo12 that the former cancelled the request with these reasons:
I've decided to make ObCo obscure for the time being
plus god knows what other people will build nearby
I already had enough of that nonsense
Nerdo understood.
January 18th-19th: Noggi added several signs:
- in soggyBrane: Description of the materials needed for steel production.
- in the 2nd timeline area: A link to this page.
- in the main part of ObCo: A notice of abandonment for the area where Nerdo was supposed to build the StarGate.
January 25th: Noggisoggi, for the first time in a while, hired 2 of trusted buddies:
SadieSadie, and
TablePointFive to assist in building.
That same day, Noggi also changed the materials in the underground section as a warm-up for more work and because the section was barely worked on in the past several months.
February-March 2024
February 1st-2nd: Work on the facility started once again - Noggi made a hub with bricks as the paths, with gravel and cobble stairs for additional detail.
He then excavated a room for a bathroom.
February 3rd-5th: Noggi made the structure: 4 Cacti-Powered Material Vaporisers™ adjacent to each other, and facing a mirror, which has the same structure but laterally inverted, alongside decoration.
February 10:
TablePointFive would construct their house, known as "The Sanctuary of the Underground", just behind
Pilot1218's former home.
SadieSadie would also create their house, known as their "abode", on a small hill near the world border, which includes a basement, a miniature lounge, and a poem dedicated to Noggi.
February 11:
Pilot1218's house was moved behind the pixel art of Red and Mario by
CruxyMC, at request of Noggi.
February 16: Noggi gives a tour of ObCo to
ospence5 and
adamblockmaster, which both enjoy, though Adam would leave halfway through the tour.
February 17-18: Noggi would request for the movement of the Landfill to a new location, this being in the Overworld section of ObCo, in an open plain near the Mario pixel art, and would be moved by
The next day (18th), Noggi would remove the StarGate which was near where the Landfill used to stand in the Nether.
Noggi also authorised
SadieSadie to update this timeline.
February 22 till March 10: Noggi started work on another facility section: the stage, with prop storage, an editor room and an audio recording booth.
March 11th: Noggisoggi demoted
SadieSadie (due to permanent ban),
CzTeddy and
TablePointFive (inactivity).
Hence, Noggi became a loner once more, and was also promoted to Admin that same day.
March 15th: Noggi built pixel art of Tux, the Linux mascot.
He also added signs next to the pixel art denoting their creation date and author.
The operating system trifecta.
Late March to April-May 2024
Noggi managed to finish the filming area, as his progress on ObCo slowed down to a crawl during this time, due to burnout and academic reasons.
May 3rd: Noggisoggi declared the film studio complete.
May 14th-19th: Noggi dug out the corridor/room, and modified the sign in the underground section to reflect his sole active membership.