LogBlock parameters

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Logblock Parameters

Only Mystic & above have access to LogBlock.


Parameters, otherwise know as "Params" by logblock are keywords used to edit how Logblock query's.
These can be as simple as limiting your query to a player('s) blocks or more complicated things like limiting your query down to the date and time down to the second.
/lb params allows you to see all parameters and their proper usage in game.
Parameters are inserted where (Param) is in the command line for instance in this command /lb area 5
Area is the parameter with 5 being the radius in a square from the players current position.

List of Parameters

Location Based Parameters

Location based parameters are use to specify a specific location either around the player or worldedit selection.

  • area (radius)*

Area is used to search the immediate area around the player in a square radius.

  • sel or selection*

Is used to search inside the current worldedit selection.

  • world (worldname)*

Changes the world for Logblock to check.
Not used very much as Logblock always uses your current world ie. Overworld, Nether, Farlands.

Type Parameters

Type Parameters are used to specify what to search for.

  • Created/Destroyed*

A very useful parameter to check for either just destroyed or created blocks, by default Logblock uses both and is not required to be specified.

  • chestaccess*

Shows chest access

Time Parameters

This one is pretty self explanatory, Time parameters specify a specific time to search for Logblock entries.

  • time*

This is used to limit the query to a time frame before your current time for example,
/lb area 5 Aruamu time 1d would search your current area in a 5 block square back to 1 day ago and uses the short hands of
d- days h- hours m- minutes s- seconds for all time notation when using it.

  • since*

Much like the time parameter since shows all results from a specified date in the format.
<dd.MM.yyyy>, <HH.mm.ss>

  • before*

The opposite of the since parameter, since shows all results before the specified date in the same format as since.

Filter Parameters

Filter Parameters filter what Logblock querys.

  • player (name1) (name2)*

The player parameter filters by players, multiple players can be inputted into the command by simply putting another one in before another parameter for example.
/lb area 5 player Aruamu Noggisoggi

  • block (type) (type2)

The block Parameter filters your selection by a specific block('s) for example.
/lb area 5 player Aruamu block torch

Result Parameters

  • sum (blocks|players)*

The sum Parameter allows you to summarize all blocks destroyed and created in a nice text form, the blocks text after sum summarizes by block type created and destroyed unless other wise specified.

The sum Parameter followed by players allows you to sort by the amount of blocks created and destroyed by players in your selection and can be specified down to the block by the block parameter.

  • coords*

The coords Parameter displays all results from your selection with coordinates along with numbers in parenthesis' and allows you to use /lb tp xwith x being the number next to the corresponding result

Miscellaneous Parameters

Miscellaneous Parameters are parameters that don't exactly fall into the above categories but may be useful none the less.

  • asc/desc*

The asc or desc parameter display the log generated from your command in either ascending or descending order, not very useful unless you have a large amount of results.

  • limit*

The limit parameter limits how many rows show up when generating a log from your specified area, the default is 15.

  • silent*
