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NorthernEmpires | |||
![]() View of the town | |||
Owner | |||
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Town Members | |||
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Assistants | |||
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General information | |||
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NorthernEmpires is a town on RetroMC, located in a snowy biome not far from DogTown.
It was created on December 31st, 2024 by
Despite officially being Assistant,
3368 is considered to be as a de-facto owner, on the same level as
SFRricraz63 .
SFRricraz63 first joined the server on December 30th, 2024. Initially, he teamed up with two other players, with the intention of creating a town together. When this did not come to fruition as planned,
SFRricraz63 and
3368, who had joined after being invited by
SFRricraz63, decided to leave the town and founded NorthernEmpires on December 31st, 2024.
January 2025
[WIP - beginning and growth]
On Januar 19, 2025
HanSolo20 was promoted to Assistant, followed by
5osi on January 20, 2025.
The Dog Massacre
The Dog Massacre of January 19, 2025 is a tragic event in the lore of the Minecraft town NorthernEmpires, marked by the actions of a griefer known as
SKMartin. The incident involved the deliberate killing of dogs belonging to residents
QueenOfAsh and
3368, as well as the destruction of property beneath
QueenOfAsh’s home.
On January 19, 2025,
SKMartin infiltrated NorthernEmpires, targeting two of its prominent residents. The griefer killed several dogs that had become symbolic companions within the town, sparking grief and outrage among its citizens. In addition,
SKMartin griefed the area beneath
QueenOfAsh's house, leaving destruction in their wake. Despite the best efforts of the server’s administrators, the dogs could not be restored, and their loss was deemed irreversible.
One of the most troubling aspects of the event was
SKMartin’s use of a powerful VPN, which allowed them to bypass the server’s security measures and evade bans. As a result, their true identity and whereabouts remain unknown, and they are considered an ongoing threat to the server.
The Dog Massacre has since become a defining moment in the history of NorthernEmpires, remembered as a significant tragedy. Memorials were established to honor the lost dogs, and the event has been woven into the town’s lore as a reminder of the fragility of peace. The community remains vigilant, with increased efforts to fortify the town against future attacks.
The massacre serves as both a cautionary tale and a unifying moment in the server’s history, ensuring that the memory of the event —and its victims— will not be forgotten.
Notable Structures
Mushroom Chamber
A dark room for farming red and brown mushrooms. One of the oldest structures in the town.
Communal Wheat Farm Building
Located in the center of town, this building provides a reliable food source. It is rarely used.

Great Fortress
Arguably the architectural centerpiece of the town due to its imposing presence on the skyline, this height-limit-reaching cobblestone behemoth was created by

3368's House
Built into the side of a hill,
3368's multi-storey residence features several furnished rooms.

Hans' Cabin
Construction of this wooden cabin was started by
HanSolo20 shortly after joining the town on Januar 4th, 2025. It features an upper floor made entire of spruce logs, a balcony, overhanging roof and stone retaining wall on the back. It is surrounded by custom-built spruce trees.

Stone Chapel
This rectangular, barrel-vaulted building was created by
PacmanSyu from January 3rd, 2025 to Januar 5th 2025.

Aether Portal

SFRricraz63's shop sells moss stone, diamonds, and other items.

The hotel was built by
SFRricraz63 during the middle of January 2025. It is inspired by a motel in the town of Novac in the video game Fallout: New Vegas. Prices range from $70 for a standard room, to $150 for a deluxe room with a balcony.

Ongoing Projects
DogTown Road
Due to its proximity to, and friendly relations with, the neighboring DogTown, the two villages decided to establish a road connection. As of January 19, 2025 the 3 block wide gravel road is still under construction.
Arts district
The art district, located some distance away from the town in a grassy area, is intended to provide space for pixel art and other creative builds with fewer restrictions, ensuring it does not visually impact the town itself. The project was originally started by
BeefCheeks1 to create a dedicated area for artistic expression. As of January 19, 2025, the project is being continued and led by
3368, with significant contributions from
CallMeMrSeal and assistance from other users.
Shopping Mall
Construction on the shopping mall, located adjacent to the great fortress in the new town district, was begun by
HanSolo20 on January 19, 2025. When completed, it will contain space for 6 small shops, organised around a central glass-covered arcade. Important contributions came from
Leivu, who helped with initial excavation, as well as
panda_the_man, and
SFRricraz63, all of whom donated much needed building materials to the project.

Stargate Network
DogTown Road
Foreign Relations
DogTown and NorthernEmpires are almost immediate neighbours, being located only [WIP - check world map] blocks away from each other. They are strong allies. Both towns share several members and have agreed to establish a direct road connection.
The SicilianNecropolis is located roughly [WIP] blocks away from NorthernEmpires, opposite of DogTown. Relations are friendly, with talks about a potential road connection currently ongoing.
NorthernEmpires and Fieldland have a trade agreement for ore. [clarification needed]
The small village of Arenosa has previously [specific date needed] invaded the Northern Empires' territorial waters, threatening its sovereignity. However, the situation was peacefully resolved and the towns are now in good relations.
Relations with Sebastion are considered "bad", according to
SFRricraz63. [clarification needed]
The village of OshenLake, owned by
5osi, has officially joined the Northern Empires on [date needed].