aq2a is a player noted for his builds and contributions to multiple communities across RetroMC. Most notably, various builds in Atacama and the UIP, owner of The Company Store, and Balloon Shop, and the fourth Spawn Town Mayor. While usually serving as a community member, aq2a is the founder of two small villages; Coastwood, and Adal.
Player History
aq2a first joined RetroMC on November 27th, and created the small village of Adal located on the negative Z axis. This small town had no members, and contained one building that served as a tree farm. Most of it being unclaimed, future players would later use the farm on their journey on the negative Z highway. During December 2022, aq2a joined the new growing settlement of Atacama of which he still remains a leading member.
During his time in Atacama, aq2a founded Atacama Lumber Co., and constructed a number of builds including: *Atacama Monastery *Atacama Lodge *Atacama Bridge which extended 4,000 blocks to join New Edago to Atacama. He also began the construction of the Winter Palace just outside of the town, which still remains under construction. It's during this time that aq2a became acquainted with various other notable players on the server who are still active including
TheFurryShark, and
After growing acquainted with the server and it's players, aq2a was invited by
Orknarok_666 to work for the UIP. He was informed of the UIP's mission and it's goals, and was placed in charge of the UIP's Department of Finances, as well as the planning and construction of the UIP Factory. In late 2023, aq2a viewed the UIP's future business plan, and laid out the future pricing of goods and the salaries of workers in the UIP Factory Funded by the UIP, aq2a is still currently building the massive complex that will hold the UIP Factory as well as The Warehouse. aq2a has also used his own personal funds to finance various other UIP projects, some of which remain classified.
In late 2023, aq2a also participated in the Third spawn town election