Okoboji Building Code

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This page contains all updating information regarding the Building Code for the town of Okoboji. Please use this page as a reference document as to what is, and is not allowed to be built in Okoboji, and what actions may be taken against your building, if it makes several infractions.


The Okoboji Building Code can best be summarized as : "If it looks good, and fits with the other builds, then it stays." This, of course, is a vague ruling, and is quite subjective. So in order to clarify what this means, a list of regulations has been written in order for aspiring builders to get acquainted with the type of builds that are wanted in Okoboji. Each district of the town has slightly different building regulations and expected styles, you are expected to become familiar with the style of building in the district you choose to build in. There are also differing rules applied based on your standing in the town. Long standing members may have more freedom to build than new members.

Global Building Codes


  • The owner or town assistants of Okoboji have the right to move, demolish, or renovate any and all structures at any time.

You will be notified as to what action is being taken towards your build, the reasoning, and the location of any materials that were acquired during the process. More often than not, an attempt will be made to contact you prior to action being taken, in which suggestions will be made in order to avoid violating building codes.

  • Buildings must be of similar style, quality, and size to those around them.

If you cannot replicate any of these attributes, you may be asked to move your building to an area that suits it best. You may also be provided assistance from other builders who may help you bring your build to the required standard. This may be done without your permission, but your input will be valued very highly during the renovation process.

  • Unfinished builds that stand for longer than 2 weeks, may be demolished or finished by other builders.

You will be notified if one of these actions is to take place, any materials acquired will be deposited in the town's recovery center, located within the bank. If your build is instead finished, you will be notified that an edit has been made. This includes interiors, as well as exteriors.

  • Buildings must serve a purpose and follow District laws

There should be no "useless buildings" in Okoboji. Even if the structure has no inherent purpose, there should be an attempt to assign one. If you do not want to assign your building a purpose, one may be assigned for you. This purpose must fall in line with district laws, which are outlined later in this article.

  • If there is a dispute among town assistants, the owner, or builder of a particular building, all parties involved will hold a vote. Whichever decision the majority come to, will be what is done. The Owner has the power to veto this decision, but will not generally do so.


There are 4 different zone types that determine who is allowed to build in a certain location. These zones will commonly be marked out by signs on roads, or boards. Ensure you have the clearance to build in whichever zone you choose. Zones may be instated by the town owner, or town assistants, who must provide a signature on each sign designating the zone.

  • No Building Zone

This zone is self-explanatory. This means that you are not to build here at all. This is usually used to reserve land for future projects.

  • Restricted Building Zone

The zone restricts building to minor edits. No large scale structures should be built, but minor changes such as landscaping, details, or interiors may be changed. Town Assistants will be allowed to make major changes if they deem fit.

  • Construction Zone

This zone is used to indicate an area that needs major construction. New structures are encouraged, with much less emphasis on detail work. Buildings are still subject to building laws, and will be evaluated.

  • Free Build Zone

This zone is not subject to building codes. These zones will typically be farther away from the others, but allow for absolute freedom in building choices.


Northern Okoboji

Northern Okoboji is considered a residential area, and a Construction Zone. It is designated for lake cabin-like player homes.

  • Structures must be player homes.
  • Builders are encouraged to build along the shore of the lake, but are not required too.
  • Major Landscaping will be done by town Assistants, including tree planting.
  • Builders are not to 'extend' land into the lake when constructing their homes, and are instead encouraged to 'lightly terraform' the already existing terrain in order to build their structure.
  • Trees may be cut down in order to build, but will be replanted around a finished build to keep consistent tree cover.
  • Builders must ensure that their home is accessible by an already existing road.

Southern Okoboji

Southern Okoboji is considered a dense commercial and residential area, and a Restricted Building Zone. It is designated for city-like buildings, with occasional medieval buildings farther inland.

  • No large scale edits are to be made, accept by town assistants
  • Structures must be commercial / high density residential / service related
  • Major Landscaping will be done by town Assistants, including tree planting.
  • Builders are not to 'extend' land into the lake when constructing their builds, and are instead encouraged to 'lightly terraform' the already existing terrain in order to build their structure.
  • Builders must ensure that their structure is accessible by a road.

Western Okoboji

Western Okoboji is considered a commercial area, and a Construction Zone. It is designated for player shops fitting either a city-like or medieval style.

  • Structures must be player shops / services
  • Major Landscaping will be done by town Assistants, including tree planting.
  • Builders are not to 'extend' land into the lake when constructing their builds, and are instead encouraged to 'lightly terraform' the already existing terrain in order to build their structure.
  • Builders must ensure that their structure is accessible by a road.

Eastern Okoboji

Eastern Okoboji is considered a residential area, and a Construction Zone. It is designated for lake cabin-like player homes.

  • Structures must be player homes.
  • Builders are encouraged to build along the shore of the lake, but are not required too.
  • Major Landscaping will be done by town Assistants, including tree planting.
  • Builders are not to 'extend' land into the lake when constructing their homes, and are instead encouraged to 'lightly terraform' the already existing terrain in order to build their structure.
  • Trees may be cut down in order to build, but will be replanted around a finished build to keep consistent tree cover.
  • Builders must ensure that their home is accessible by an already existing road.

Old Town

Old Town is considered a Historical area, and a No Building Zone. It is designated for town history and archives

  • No building is allowed in Old Town, aside for additions to town archives, which is done by Town Assistants.