Developing for the Server
Developing for RetroMC is a great way to give back to the community if staffing isn't your thing. This will be a basic overview of applying for the developer role, some expectations, and progression.
Send an application through the Discord server by making a general ticket and stating your intent to develop, any prior experience, and potential things you would like to work on. Barring any past major contributions to the projects used by RetroMC on the GitHub organisation, most applicants will be granted the External Developer role. This grants access to the channels #technical-announcements
, #developers
and #developer-forum
, allowing you to discuss with other developers and staff about projects you would like to work on or get help with your current projects for the server.
External developers are only granted access to the basic projects on the GitHub organisation that are public; certain confidential repositories are not available to them until they have proved themselves with their contributions to be promoted to Developer.
Development process
In general, all developers can expect a standardized experience when submitting code to be used on the server, as seen in the following flow chart:
Current projects and wants can be found in the RetroMC Development [Redacted!]
All developers are expected to have some competency in a program language; whether it be Java for server development, HTML and CSS for website development, Lua and PHP for MediaWiki development, and whatnot.
Developers (especially those who have been promoted to full-fledged Developer along with the in-game rank) are expected to conduct themselves as staff do, including (but not limited to):
- not using your staff powers (fly, vanish) to troll other players,
- not leaking confidential information, and
- generally follow all the server rules.
For further reading, see the staff policy and change management manuals (and if you wish, the RPM).
Failure to abide by said conduct may result in suspension or demotion.