Tunnels of Madness
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The Tunnels of Madness
The Tunnels of Madness are a series of tunnels, mines, caves, and rail lines located under the spawn of the overworld. It supposedly has no logblock logs and is estimated to be from 2018 or 2019.

It has been hypothesized that the tunnels are a sort of Minecraft Backrooms. These tunnels exist at Y=5-12, and can vary from 2x2 to 2x1 shafts, the length, the amount, and area these tunnels cover is currently unknown, but there exist many entrances and exits, with one being a random mine at spawn and another being the mines at Vernacia. More information must and will be gathered.
There also exists a 1x1 diagonal shaft, which seemingly leads to nowhere except a small lava pool. Why it was built in such a difficult way is still unknown, as are the origins of the other tunnels.
It is possible to follow one of the tunnels to
Q0AL's -Z Highway tunnel but there is a high probability that you will get lost. A proper tunnel is currently being dug out to connect the -Z Highway to one of the main Insanity Tunnels.
No other lifeforms have been spotted in the tunnels other then the occasional mushrooms that when spotted, will be exterminated as per Anti-Mushroom_Bureau_of_Environmental_Restoration's guidelines.
Exits and Entrances
The "main" exit and entrance seems to be the mine-shaft entrance in Docklands. it is unknown if this was the start of the tunnels, or if it just was integrated into them over the years

+Z Highway
The +Z Highway exit was found when exploring in one of the tunnels. It is a ladder that goes up to the very start of the +Z Highway. It is unknown who build this exit as it has no logblock logs.
Samboo's Mine
samboo built a mine around 2019 that happened to connect to one of the main tunnels. Samboo's mine is one of the only tunnels that have any logs under logblock. The mine exits outside of spawn town into a small village with activity dating back to 2024.
Wendover Tunnel
A tunnel that for some unknown reason branched off from Wendover's mines and then stopped after it connected to Vernacian's mines via a cave. This tunnel is over 6k blocks long and should not be used as there are many subtunnels that extend from it so there is a high chance of getting lost in unexplored tunnels.
Notable Places
In a cave connected to the Vernacian mines, a tunnel exists that extends for thousands of blocks underground, many other tunnels split off from it, where they lead and why is unknown, the purpose of this tunnel is still unknown, but it was built by town assistant Johan. One of the tunnels splits off at an exit at downtown Wendover.
There exists a 1x1 diagonal shaft, which seemingly leads to nowhere except a small lava pool. Why and who built it in such a difficult way is still unknown.
Image Gallery
A tunnel that was dug out diagonally. It is unknown why someone would do this.
A random 2x2 tunnel
Railroad that is starting to degrade
A railroad in one of the main tunnels
The only lifeform that has been found in the tunnels, these where exterminated after this photo was taken
A screenshot showing that there is no logblock logs
A photo of the Wendover tunnel