Beta 1.7.3 installation guide
ℹ️ Notice: BetaEvolutions is the official RetroMC launcher and recommended way to play on RetroMC because of quality of life features and auto login
- This install guide is made for the Official Minecraft Launcher and not any unofficial launcher, ie. Prism or MultiMc
- This guide assumes you already have the Minecraft Launcher installed and bought a premium account to play
- By default the Minecraft launcher doesn't show old versions of the game before release 1.0, and must be enabled in the settings
A video guide by
Aruamu is available if prefered, here
- Go to the settings tab of the Minecraft launcher found in the bottom left
- Check the box called "Show Historical versions of Minecraft:Java Edition in the Launcher" under Minecraft: Java Edition Settings
- Click on the "Minecraft:Java Edition" tab on the sidebar
- Click On the "Installations" tab and then click on the "New Installation" button
- Enter the desired name of the install and then select "old_beta 1.7.3" then press create
- Click on the "Minecraft:Java Edition" tab on the sidebar again and select the installation you just made from the drop down menu and press play