Beta 1.7.3 installation guide

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⚠️ Disclaimer: This guide assumes you already have bought a license for Minecraft: Java Edition (Bedrock can't be used) to play.

JRE links

The official launcher comes with a JRE.
For other launchers (or if you want to use a different Java binary), you can use the OpenJDK builds from either of these vendors:

Official launcher

You might have this launcher (and a premium account) installed in most cases.
By default, it doesn't show old versions of the game before Release 1.0, and must be enabled in the settings.

16.png Garsooon has a video guide:

  1. Select the Settings tab, found in the bottom left corner.
  2. In the Enable Show Historical versions of Minecraft: Java Edition in the Launcher under Minecraft: Java Edition Settings in the General tab.
  3. Go back to the Minecraft: Java Edition tab on the sidebar, open the Installations tab and then select New Installation.
  4. Enter the desired name of the install, and then select old_beta 1.7.3 in the version dropdown menu, then select Create.
  5. Click on the Minecraft: Java Edition tab on the sidebar again and select the installation you just made from the drop down menu and press Play.

MultiMC/PrismLauncher/Other forks plus BetaEvolutions

BetaEvolutions can be used with these launchers.
You can deviate at some parts of this guide if you want to use a different fix, or anything else.

16.png lnphi has a video for installing this mod:

⚠️ Disclaimers:

  • Due to BetaEvolutions editing a lot of stuff, it is highly recommended that you do not use other mods whilst using it.
    • (Language file edits, terrain edits and so on, are compatible, so long as BetaEvo doesn't conflict with it.)
  • Make a ticket on the Discord server if you're encountering issues.

  • If the game starts up with broken colors (red is blue, blue is red):

  1. Install either of the aforementioned launchers (MultiMC or PrismLauncher or what have you).
  2. Download BetaEvolutions - the full jar mod is linked in this very sentence.
  1. Launch MultiMC (or fork), set up your account by clicking on the account selector in the top right corner, select Manage Accounts..., and then select Add Microsoft.
  2. Select Add Instance, and select b1.7.3 as the version by enabling Betas and scroll through the list until you see it. Change the details to your liking and select OK.
  3. Right-click (or left-click; open context menu) the newly created instance, and select Edit, or select the same button on the sidebar after selecting the aforementioned instance.
  4. Version -> Add to Minecraft.jar -> Add the BetaEvolutions jar mod you downloaded.
    • Don't use the Mods tab for this! (Not unless a mod loader is used.)
  5. Go to: Settings -> Tick Java installation -> Auto-detect if you installed the JRE system wide.
    • If you downloaded the zip/tar archive, you simply extract it, select Browse in the instance settings, navigate to the extracted JRE -> bin/java and select that java file.
    • Under MS Windows, use javaw.exe instead.
  6. Launch the game via Launch and pray it works.

BetaCraft launcher
On that page, scroll down and you'll see 2 options:

  • "Betacraft Launcher v2.0 (alpha)" includes easy mod support, but is generally a bit unstable.
  • 1.x (Both the "universal launcher JAR" and "latest Windows version") is generally more stable.

Assuming you have either one (or both) of them installed:


ℹ️ Notice: As 2.x is in alpha, the launcher can sometimes crash. Pray that it doesn't crash.

  1. Select Accounts, then Add account and login with your Microsoft account.
  2. Select Settings, then the Java Installations tab in the left hand column.
    • You should see your Java installations here, but there is a menu/button to download and install a Java distribution.
    • Select the one prefixed with "1.8.0", and in the list's lower left, select Set as default.
    • Apple Silicon Mac (and non-x86-64 computer/unsupported OS) users only: Settings -> General -> Disable Discord Rich presence
      (Because the RPC doesn't have a version for the aforementioned platform(s).)
  3. Select Instances, then Add instance, then scroll down the list, and select b1.7.3.
    (Attempting to select the other tabs/searching and then selecting will crash the program.)
    And also: name your instance.

Now you can select the instance and hit Play, but for those that want to install BetaEvolutions:

  1. Download BetaEvolutions - the full jar mod is linked in this very sentence.
    • Rename that file to have .zip at the end if the mod file picker doesn't allow you to select it.
  2. Head to the Instances tab, right-click (or left-click if you configured it that way) your b1.7.3 instance, Edit -> Mods -> Add to minecraft.jar -> select the (or jar) file.
    And select Save.

And now you can launch the game (hopefully without crashing).


  1. If for some reason your version is not set to b1.7.3, hit Select version -> b1.7.3.
  2. Select Login, and follow the instructions given.
  3. Once you log in, you can then select Edit instance if you want to change some settings - namely, the Java binary used.
    • Windows: %programfiles%\<Java distributor name>\<Java 8 or something>\bin\javaw.exe
    • Arch Linux, via the jre8-openjdk package: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/bin/java
    • macOS (if JRE is installed system-wide): /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/<name-of-distributor>-8.jre/Contents/Home/bin/java
  4. Select OK, and select Play.