UIP Factory

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The UIP Factory Is the industrial heart of the UIP. Located to the north of Kekistan, it stores the entirety of the UIP's stored resources and materials, as well as serves as the production facility for these materials. It currently employs approximately 2 players, and is the main source of work throughout the UIP.

History and Operations

In 2022, the plans for a factory in northern Kekistan were announced. Originally construction began by 16.png Orknarok_666 in November 2022. He laid out the framework, on which the future factory would be built including the worker transit system, and maintenance tunnels. In late 2023 16.png aq2a was put in charge of the project, and continued construction. As of writing, the UIP Factory is still under construction, with a nearly completed entrance, as well as fully complete Sugarcane, and Cactus producing Facilities.