
From RetroMC
Revision as of 12:31, 21 December 2023 by Noggisoggi (talk | contribs) (Updated stats link)
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Staff Member and Hero
Join Date
August 16, 2022
General information

A computer nerd that says "hmmm" & "oh ok" or something similar often; timezone is UTC +03.
My statistics on J-Stats:
I wrote most of the guides and documented server internals.

I joined RetroMC on August 16th of 2022 after... reasons I prefer not to say, and ventured out into the wilderness once I got a grasp on the stuff seen in the intro warp.
Owing to my prior experience on another legacy Minecraft server, I went into the Skylands and tried to find a place to reside, but ultimately, didn't find one - I settled near one of the world borders in the Overworld.
My base, named soggyBrane, was established there, but it wasn't the first time it was established.

North railway extension

According to the world map, the railway I extended is north of spawn.
Fixing up and extending the north railway was one of my first projects I undertook, and I completed it on 28 August of 2022.
As of 30th July 2023, 16.png dzasohovich extended the railway a bit.

Shovel Knight pixel art

I built this character in spawn on 5th November of 2022.

An office in the WTC

I purchased an office space in 16.png NotcX's World Trade Center on November 20th of 2022.


While strip-mining near my base, I found a spider spawner. I fortified it and told 16.png adamblockmaster about it. They then added a crafting table and furnace to the safe area. I took this as an opportunity to make this into a publicly accessible spawner, and on 27th August 2022, after giving this spawner a makeover, sp00kySpider was open to the public.
Back then, Towny was still on the server, and people could teleport to the spawn points of other towns, so I made a town dedicated to this, but it did prevent me from joining other towns.


In December 2022, and before JVillage was added, I disbanded the sp00kySpider town as me and 16.png Pilotfromfinland (then CommandPrompter), after losing interest in trying to revive SmileyTown (formerly perkeland, J-Stats mentions the incorrect name) wanted to make a new town, named soggyInternetBrane (sIBr) (based off Pilotfromfinland's old Discord name, internet user and my base, soggyBrane.)
We had formed the village on December 14th. That name didn't last long though, as it sounded too much like our usernames, so we rebranded it to ObsidianCore.
Documenting the timeline of ObCo would take too long, so head to -26808 75 -13520 (x y z) if you wish to see the timeline. It's in the underground section.
Nowadays, I am the lone active member and owner of this village, and I prefer to keep it that way, so abandonment won't be an issue for me to clean up.

Noggisoggi's Bazzar of Various Goods

The name of my shop, opened on October 22nd of 2022, and updated in June 2023.
Location: 30 56 -182 (x y z)
As the shop is located in mall 2, you can run /warp mall and head to your right.


soggyBrane is the moniker I chose for my personal cottage & one-person residency.
Coordinates are redacted.

Gold Citizen to Hero Rankup

16.png RebornMNXE donated $1.5 under my name on 3rd August of 2023.
To the aforementioned player: Thank you! :D


Discord: noggisoggi
and I won't add anything else lest I violate the "no advertising" rule.