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instructions unclear found red crystals on the back of head
- 16.png Orknarok_666, on March 16 2023

Crystallitis (alternatively spelt 'crystalitis', 'crystilitis', 'crystalitis', and 'crystalitus') is described as a condition that players get after a while and in which, the condition reveals/showcases what kind of a person they are (In some cases, their behavior is majorly or somewhat altered).
It's mentioned in the RetroMC's various communication channels, starting around March 16th of 2023, first identified by 16.png Orknarok_666.


Exactly what and where crystallitis comes from is unknown, but there are a few hypotheses:


  • Red: Heralds a good moral sense, common sense, cultural awareness, and respect for other people.
  • Blue: Contains a sense of immorality, promotes obliviousness, and possibly villany.
  • Purple: Described as 'deadly', but its effects aren't properly known.
  • Orange: Controls one's sense of time; be it fast or slow.
  • Yellow: Counters red crystallitis; incredibly dangerous
  • Green: Given to server operators to render blue/purple/yellow types useless against them.
    • Seldom obtained as its power decreases with the increase of users and contacts with yellow crystallitis spores. (partly according to

[Admin] | [Donator]
Join Date
General information
UIP Member:Yes

A person who prefers to be private for the most part but mostly Plays on the server for fun.
I am a [Admin] on the server
before I became Staff I was a [Donator]
also known as Cowman and FloofyFoxCat on the server

Currently maintaining the following wiki related features:

Module Status Forked From / Based On Creation Date EoL
Module:RankColor Creator & Maintainer 29.07.2023 31.12.2023
Module:Infobox10cols Forker & Current Maintainer Module:Infobox3cols 06.08.2023
Module:MCColor Creator & Maintainer Module:RankColor 31.08.2023

My statistics on J-Stats 2:


thecow275's House of multiple failed projects

thecow275's House of multiple failed projects is the name for my personal house and it is located in the village of FlatLand


  • Rainbow: Boosts all types currently contracted (including the dangerous ones).
    • It can be combined with green to make an anti-evil charm, though its power can also decrease due to the aforementioned reasons.


Scout] is the crystallitis god, albeit the crystals themselves develop overtime without Scout's action.
He also deals in narcotics of this type; that is also another explaination for the existence of these conditions.