On RetroMC (server), there are 12 ranks:
- 3 for normal players
- 5 for donators (https://store.retromc.org)
- 4 for staff members
Ranks also have the perks of lower ranks (Trial Helpers have Mystic perks, Mystic has Legend perks & so on).
Note from the store:
To receive a rank, you must specify an amount equal to or greater than the cost displayed in the right-hand column. Please note, if you have already purchased a rank previously, you only need to specify the amount between what you have already "Previously Payed" and the desired rank to upgrade to.
Normal player ranks
The starting rank for new players
- Cannot build in Spawn Town
- Only up to 20 homes can be set
Obtained after 30 active hours
- Can build in Spawn Town
- Infinite homes can be set
- Ability to see which country a player comes from upon joining based on that player's IP address
The mechanism which tallies active hours is called the trust level system.
It's an aggregate of blocks modified, travelled & time played.
Golden Citizen
Obtained after 100 hours
- Access to build StarGates
- Can see old messages in the in-game chat channels on the Discord server
Donator ranks
(Nickname)- Coloured text in chat & signs; see https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Formatting_codes
(Blocks in helmet slot)- Colored nickname
- Capes (BetaEvolutions only)
(Be invisible from other players outside of PvP areas)- LogBlock (see who modified blocks, the toolblock isn't available)
Staff ranks
Trial Helper
Obtained when the existing staff team accepts a player's staff application
- Access to the LogBlock toolblock
- Moderation commands (
, etc.
Obtained after existing staff team accepts that a player is actually worth adding into their team
- Flying
(God mode)
- Has access to LogBlock rollback
- Has access to all commands
Server Operator
- Console access