The Official RetroMC Iceberg
The Official RetroMC Iceberg is an iceberg chart that categorizes the lore, mysteries, and secrets of RetroMC. It consists of 10 levels, with topics at the surface level being well-known to most players of RetroMC, while those deeper down are less familiar and more obscure. Some entries are unknown and open to player interpretation.
The Official RetroMC Iceberg chart
Level 1
Server Rules
In RetroMC, the server rules refer to a set of rules established by JohnyMuffin and some of the other staff members in the server to ensure that, as a Vanilla PVE server, it will have a "fair, enjoyable, and respectful environment for all players".
Discord Server
This refers to RetroMC having its own official Discord server, "RetroMC Beta Minecraft".
On RetroMC, there is a rank system that consists of 4 regular ranks, 4 donation ranks, and 5 staff ranks.