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The 4 horsebots of the apocalypse.

Things that say "beep boop" and perform automated tasks.
Most Discord guilds have bots, and RetroMC is no different.

Atlas Utilities

Atlas Utilities#3685
Who's a good pet? You are, Atlas! :D
Initial commission dateFeb 17 2021
App ID811587877229953034
Based onRed V3
Good pet?Absolutely affirmative

"Utilities bot dedicated to ATLAS Network connected servers."

—Its user profile.

A multipurpose bot and good pet, based off Red V3; it can log message edits and deletions, give reasons for kicks/bans/mutes issued on the Discord guild, manage tickets, et cetera.


Atlas manages the thread-based ticket system.


  • !remindme 1min test toast

1min is the time-span, and "test toast" is the message.
Atlas DMs the ones who set their reminders when the time-spans of said reminders elapse.

Decision making

  • !choose <choice1> <choice2> <choice3> ...
- Each choice must be enclosed in quotes if they have spaces in their names.
  • !8ball <question>
- Question must contain a question mark at the end.

Other commands

˙˙ʍouʞ ɹǝʌǝu ʎɐɯ ǝM ¿spɐǝH ɹo slᴉɐ┴ pǝɹǝpᴉsuoɔ ,,Noggisoggi,, sI
  • !help - Returns a list of commands.
  • !avatar - Retrieves the avatar of the user running it or a specified user.
  • !info - Gives info about the bot.
  • !warn <user-mention-or-id> <reason> - Staff only; sends a warning to a user.
  • !betaevo - Returns info about BetaEvolutions.
  • !flip - Flips a coin.. or a user.

16.png Noggisoggi: Then again..

16.png Noggisoggi: Which technically confirms 8ball's answers as possibly inane.
How you interpret that information is up to you. Atlas probably got the crystallitis from Scout.

Unholy Deity

Unholy Deity#2955
That stare though..
Initial commission dateJuly 12 2018
Joined RMC guild on Aug 12 2022
App ID466927447158292490
Based onJMusicBot
Good pet?Uhhh... maybe?

16.png Noggisoggi: In the name of Our Glorious Leader Scout, DJ Unholy Deity, kick it!
 Unholy Deity: [gives a thumbs up and kicks/breaks the turntable]

16.png Noggisoggi: (sigh)

Poor 16.png Noggisoggi.

Unholy Deity is RMC's local voice-channel robotic-disco-jockey, based on JMusicBot. It can play audio from YouTube, SoundCloud, Bandcamp, any publicly available sound file that's located on the Internet, and any sound uploaded by users in the bot commands channel(s).


Users who mention/ping Unholy Deity with help as the parameter will get a list of commands in their DMs with the bot.

<@466927447158292490> help

Pinging it is the main way to interact with it - the following commands assume that it is pinged first.

  • play <url-or-search-query> - Obvious. Adds a track to a queue if one is currently playing.
  • pause - Pauses the currently playing track.
  • volume [0-150] - Changes audio volume.
  • nowplaying - Shows info about and progress of current track.
  • queue - Shows queued tracks.
  • stop - Stops current song and clears queue.
  • skip - Starts a vote to skip current song.
  • forceskip - Starts a vote to Skips current song.
  • repeat [off|all|single] - Loop through the entire queue, or loop a single song.

And many more.

RetroMC related bots

RetroMC related bots

RetroMC - Stats and Chat#8632
Initial commission dateJan 19 2023 (Previous iteration was obliterated)
App ID1065685343921254472
RetroMC - Utilities#2855
Initial commission dateJun 26 2024
App ID1255422456777150495
RetroMC Stats#8333
Initial commission dateFeb 12 2023
App ID1074191543264612394
Good pets?❗ The application did not respond

Stats and Chats provides what it says - it provides the chat bridge between the Discord guild and the MC server, alongside providing stats.

Not to be confused with Atlas, the standalone Utilities bot does... stuff. It sent the embedded server rules and info in the Discord guild.
The standalone Stats bot is currently dead and offline. It was supposed to do what it's named after.

Betalands Chat

Betalands Chat#2987
Initial commission dateJul 19 2022
App ID650975895393140736
Good pet?❗ The application is now out-of-service

Mirrored messages from BetaLands into Discord and vice-versa; also acted as the stats bot for the aforementioned server. Now decommissioned.

The last moments of BL when it was public, shortly after the Betar Bomb exploded.