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Revision as of 04:32, 7 August 2023 by Ingrate (talk | contribs) (→‎Outposts: 2 Outposts)
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16.png Ingrate
Town Members
Estimated at 15
16.png samcarf3

16.png ZEROCONDA 16.png ospence5

16.png PLFilkomPL
General information
Established:July 2023

Nebuley is a village founded on the 13th of July 2023 by player 16.png Ingrate. It has known a noticeable growth during the month of July 2023, and is continuing to expand. The village is located at coordinates X:13500 and Z:10500, in between snowy forests. The City is in an union with Ouria.

General Policies and Regulations

New Members

Anyone is free to join Nebuley. The official procedure to join the village is to message a Nebuley assistant asking to join the city. New players in the server are promised a free bed (free bed policy) to help them during their first days.

Building Rules

To create a cohesive and well-organized town, 16.png Ingrate created a set of 5 rules to regulate building:

  1. Fully cut all trees is an obligation. No floating trees are allowed.
  2. Replanting trees after cutting them is an obligation. This is probably used to counteract internal deforestation.
  3. Paths must follow the same standardized template.
  4. Buildings must be evenly spaced.
  5. Buildings must be spaced out.


Nebuley is segmented into many districts:

  • The Old City, also known as The City Center
  • Castletown
  • Atlantis
  • Ingratia

Much of the village remains though unassigned to any form of district.

Notable landmarks and sites

The Block museum

The Block Museum is a building containing all the blocks existent in Beta 1.7.3 Minecraft. Blocks unobtainable in survival, such as bedrock, and many raw ores, are still being sought after by members of the village.

Lapis Harbor

The Lapis Harbor is the main harbor of the city, built next to 16.png ZEROCONDA's base.

Ingrate's Statue

The statue of 16.png Ingrate, the founder of the city, is built out of wool on a cobblestone pyramid. Unfortunately, the build-height limit was hit, and the head had to be built inside of the pyramid.

ZEROCONDA's Miners Guild

The Miners' Guild is a castle built by 16.png ZEROCONDA, dedicated to the ore miners of the city.

PLFilkomPL's lighthouse

ZEROCONDA's Charcoal Company

ZEROCONDA's charcoal company is a medium-sized tree farm dedicated to farming Charcoal. It is overlooking a lake and it is used by many members of the town.

Finlay's Bridges

Finlay's bridges is in reality one complex structure composed of four towers linked together with many bridges.

samcarf3's Sandstone Canal

The Sandstone Canal is a small residential area built surrounding an man-made sandstone canal, made by 16.png samcarf3.

Grossstadkind's Castle

Grossstadkind's Castle is probably one of the oldest builds in the city. It is a small cobblestone castle built on the outskirts of the city, next to a large decorative wheat farm.

PLFilkomPL's Dog's Grave

Located in the Old City (or City Center), it was built to honor 16.png PLFilkomPL's dog, long dead.

The OG Hole

The OG Hole, or OG Base is an "old school"-style base built in a cave next to the ocean.

The town hall

The town hall is small wooden building when people can meet to discuss important subjects about the city. It is advantageously located to the public board where people can share their important news through the use of signs.

Nebulink Overpass

The Nebulink Overpass is a bridge linking 16.png ZEROCONDA's charcoal company (via the Block Museum station) to a terminal next to 16.png samcarf3's underground railway leading to his bunker.

7traktor's Agency

- W.I.P. -

Notable members

16.png Ingrate, founder of Nebuley.

16.png ZEROCONDA, village assistant, built, managed or participated in some form in many public projects in Nebuley. He is one of the most active and influential members of the city.

16.png samcarf3, village assistant, participated in the construction of public projects. He worked on the first rewriting of the wiki page of Nebuley.

16.png PlFilkomPL, village assistant, built many landmarks, introduced many players to the city, and participated in many public projects. He was the first one to work on the wiki page of Nebuley.

16.png ospence5, village assistant, worked on many public projects.

16.png Finlay_Duffil, built the Finlay Bridge, a great landmark in the city, and participated in public projects.


As of the end of the first week of August 2023, Nebuley has 2 outposts:

Outposts of Nebuley
Outpost Number Coordinates Size Established Town
No. 1 X:-21000 Z:6170 3 chunks 26th of July, 2023 Wilderness
No. 2 X:-11680 Z:1630 1 chunk 6th of August, 2023 Bread Basket Valley

Pending Projects

Some public projects are envisioned by some members of the city, but not being actively built or worked on, either because of demotivation of sheer difficulty. They include:

  • The Intercity Highways - Railways that would connect Nebuley to other cities to disenclave it.
  • The underground subway system - First imagined by samcarf3, it has first been implemented as a small-scale tunnel linking between his bunker and the SAMY-ZEROCONDA Bridge. Though the main concept remains abandoned.