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Plasmoid is a term used to describe any and all mystical events or odd behavior. It is derived from a conversation between 16.png Orknarok_666, 16.png aq2a, and 16.png TheFurryShark, in which they peer-reviewed a 702 page pseudo-science research paper entitled "Octave model of the Elements and Elemental Plasmoid Calculations". After uncovering the secrets of the universe, they discussed the effects of Plasmoids on the players of RetroMC.

< 16.png aq2a: That guy is crazy, I bet he's contemplating the plasmoids rn.
< 16.png TheFurryShark: Clearly, the number of time comes from the mathematical equation of 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 8 x 9 x 10 which is 518,400 everyone knows that.

the following is a joke

The light theory

The light theory is based around of the sun which is approximately 1.4 x 1027 cubic meters which is then multiplied by the diameter, 1.4 million kilometers, it gives the moon the solar eclipse and the earth along with jupiter's moon Venus the light theory, the light theory is a very arbitrary term for the circumference of the planet neptune.