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"Fer is the answer to everything"
- 16.png Krissofer


Fer is a RetroMC slang word.

It basically means "fr" which is a short for "for real".
It can also be used ironically when you're obviously lying.

< 16.png davzav> I found Herobrine fer
< 16.png SvGaming2704> And I totally believe you ferfer


Average fer chain, happens mostly on saturdays

Fer culture has spread unimaginably fast.
The phrase Fer has been used almost 500 times just the day it was discovered.
This led to many people believing that Fer is something more than just a word.

"You don't want to know what happens to those who disrespected Fer"
- 16.png NonSkilledMan


It was a sunny day, June 26th 2024, when all the sudden 16.png Krissofer has made a typo.

Instead of "fr" he said "fer".

The conversation that started it all

< 16.png Krissofer> fer

16.png Miner927 has noticed the funny mistake 16.png Krissofer has made and mentioned it in chat.

< 16.png Miner927> fer

Didn't take long for everyone to like the new word.

< 16.png Gazuzz> fer fer
< 16.png Krissofer> ferfer
< 16.png TellTheL> fer

And that's how it all began.

But it's just a feory
- 16.png Miner927