Anti-Mushroom Bureau of Environmental Restoration: Difference between revisions

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File:Amber annoucement 05.png|thumb|alt=ann04|Announcement #04

Revision as of 16:44, 24 February 2025

Notice: This page was made for humorous purposes, and as such, the following info shouldn't be taken seriously.

A.M.B.E.R. (Anti-Mushroom Bureau of Environmental Restoration) is an agency operating across all Minecraft realms with their respective headquarters on RetroMC. The main building is located in the town of Nebuley (X: 13276, Z: 10764), right next to Miner's Guild. It was built by initiative of 16.png ZEROCONDA to bring agency's services to the server.

Official A.M.B.E.R. Headquarters 2025


Official A.M.B.E.R. Logo 2025 ©

A.M.B.E.R. began as an intiative of Sir Mash Rum that has been focusing on fungi research. Noticable effort was forged into a new organisation, being funded by the scientist in its entirety. His vast knowledge in biology and chemistry not only secured two Cobble Prizes, but also helped to advance into unknown territory of the fungi. Years of dedication and hard work lead to promising yet shocking discoveries. It turned out that mushroom are not as innocent as they seem to be and in reality they are fast spreading floral predators that feed on organic beings (excluding players).

Dirtbreaking discovery ensured Sir Mash Rum that his agency needs to take action beyond scientific field. In order to respond to the growing threat of fungi infestation, he formed IRTF (Immediate Response Task Force) in 80 BSS (Before Server Start). New division opened new posibilities, which allowed to contain the outbreak and prevent fungi contamination. Unfortunately, his health got worse and he passed in 62 BSS leaving the fate of the agency in his son's - Sir Phunguy Sh. Rum - hands.

In year 9 PSS (Post-Server Start) a player and official member of the agency - 16.png ZEROCONDA - settled down in town of Nebuley and constructed main headquarters in the region. The department remained idle until 11 PSS, when an annoucement thread had been created on RetroMC's Discord. On 19 February 2025, the agency officialy began to operate. In following days, that is 22 February 2025, agency performed first task of clearing the Nether spawn area from the overgrowth.

Long-term goals & rules

A.M.B.E.R. took the responsibility of cleansing the world from the netherspawn (fungi). To work efficiently, the agency formed clear longterm goals:

  • Preventing mushroom colonies from spreading in unhabited areas of the server,
  • Educating players about dangers of mushroom infestation,
  • Inviting new members to participate in the project.

Along with goals came rules. Good intentions still must be acted on in the boundaries of the server's law. Though the RetroMC's rules serve as a principle and have direct authority over our actions, we formed simple rules for our members to follow:

1. We must destroy every wild mushroom colony, no matter its size.
2. Player-made mushroom farms can't be destroyed as it is considered griefing.
3. Being a member is voluntary and everyone can quit at any time.
4. Membership is free.
5. We are bound to help each other.
6. Our service is free.



No. Name Role Date of initiation
1 ZEROCONDA Local Overseer 1 September 2023
2 SvGaming234 Member / Explosives Specialist 22 February 2025
3 Q0AL Member / USE Representative 22 February 2025
4 lnphi Member / Kingdom of Polaris Representative 22 February 2025
5 Monoma Member 24 February 2025

Unofficial (associates)

No. Name Role Date of initiation
1 UxorialMink9181 Associate 22 February 2025
2 Audriusxx10 Associate 22 February 2025
3 milkbucket64 Associate 24 February 2025

VMRM (Verified Mushroom Removal Methods)

In order to efficiently remove large amounts of fungi in short period of time we can turn to VMRM. At this moment in time, we can divide methods into two main groups, considering how high is the cost we are going to bear:

  • High Operational Cost
  • Low Operational Cost
  • You must be insane (free)

High Operational Cost Method (HOCM)

ice blocks water
Example of ice blocks being used in the Nether by 16.png SvGaming234

This method focuses on using two different resources: water and/or TNT.

Water from the bucket can be used in the Overworld as it can be spilled and it flows rapidly removing entities in its path. However in the Nether we can't use the water bucket due to high temperatures. Thankfully the never disappointing science comes to the rescue... to some extent. In order to spill the water in the hellish realm we need to use blocks of ice, which are impossible to obtain by ordinary means and they are pretty expensive. Although pricey, this tactic can quickly cover large amount of Nether terrain within seconds providing constant protection from mushroom spreading.

Aftermath of TNT usage

Second option is the use of TNT. A properly aligned line of explosives can lead to immediate and satisfying effects at the expense of the terrain. To produce mass amount of TNT we need lots of sand and, most importantly, gunpowder. Without a mob grinder that sustains our need for gunpowder, we have to suffer the costs of investing into the explosives or ingriedients.

In summary, both methods are the fastest and most efficient, but at a certain cost.

Low Operational Cost Method (LOCM)

Third method is a lava bucket. Simply put, we place lava next to the mushroom clusters and quickly take it back again. This will result in block updates in a small (mostly 2x2 or 3x3) area and automatically eradicate fungi. It is relatively cheap as we only need three iron ingots, but in return comes realization of how tedious and dangerous process it is. Wrong lava placement can lead to severe burns or even death, so it is crucial to set home near the area of our work. Possesion of proper armor and food supply is also welcome to provide valuable protection and healing if need be.

In conclusion, it's simple and cheap, but it can quickly get very dull and overwhelming, not to mention the possibility of burning ourselves.

You must be insane (free method)

Too much time on your hands? Do you like tedious and repetetive tasks? Then this method is for you! You can easily destroy each single mushroom with your hand! Have fun!

(Don't try it, it's not worth it)

Announcements & Achievements


In order to complete the goal of educating people about fungi threat, A.M.B.E.R. prepared couple annoucements to share the knowledge and spread overall awareness.


One of the first tasks that were mostly completed at the first attempt was removing large amount of mushrooms in the Nether spawn area. 16.png ZEROCONDA and 16.png SvGaming234 performed complete extermination of the fungi with use of lava, ice and lots of TNT. Simultaneously, 16.png UxorialMink9181 along with 16.png Audriusxx10 began to eradicate mushroom colonies in the cave systems under the BetaFalls.

On 24 February 2025, 16.png ZEROCONDA, 16.png Q0AL, 16.png Monoma and 16.png milkbucket64 removed smaller mushrooms clusters in the Nether and later couple large colonies during cave exploration. Thanks to coordinated manouvers the caves had been cleared out in a short period of time.


  • A.M.B.E.R.'s maxim is the Latin sentence "Pro bono", which means "for the public good", indicating good intentions.
  • The name also references the gemstone that can preserve anything (i.e. mosquitoes), in the same way that this agency tries to preserve natural order that was shaken by the fungi infestation.
  • This is the old logo used by A.M.B.E.R. between 2023 and 2025: old_logo