There are 4 worlds/dimensions on RetroMC: the overworld, the Nether, the skylands, and the farlands, with each of them having some unique features.
The main map - most towns are located here, and this is the only dimension to have a world map.
Internally named as retromc
World map overviewer.
Spawn Town on 16th October 2022.
The Nether is semi-anarchy; id est: griefing and PvP are allowed inside the Nether.
The area inside (when going through the portal at the spawn island) is covered in bedrock, and contains an entryway into wilderness.
Mushrooms are galore in the Nether, which makes this a perfect gathering place, albeit with zombie pigmen and ghasts looming as threats.
Internally named retromc_nether
A survival guide is available.
The area inside (when going through the portal at the spawn island).
Entryway into the wilderness.
Water at the end of the entryway; water is somewhat common here.
A bedrock corridor.
Another view of the wilderness (and mushrooms).
Bridge and a ghast. (The latter was removed for obvious reasons.)

The Skylands is a custom dimension based off the prototype in the code of Beta 1.6-1.8 and was added on February 22nd of 2019.
It can be accessed with the skylands
warp, that is: /warp skylands
& do /wild
or /random
to teleport out of spawn.
Internally called skylands
From the original Skylands prototype
- All other mobs can spawn, & this includes monsters as well.
- Falling in the void takes you back to the spawn point in the Overworld.
From the overworld
- There is no option for the Skylands in the overviewer due to the latter being extremely resource hungry & has to be limited in CPU consumption via software.
- Currently, the map merely overlays a player's location in the Skylands onto the Overworld map.
- The world border is smaller - roughly 9800 × 9800 blocks.
The inaccessible(?) cake & spawner at the spawn.
A picture of the airship in spawn.
A picture of a zombie. Not a safe haven anymore, is it?
The Farlands were added at the end of 2020 as part of a Christmas event, and was intended to be removed on January 1st 2021.
But due to [Reason To-Be-Added]
, the world was kept.
The world itself is customly generated, via Ork, a bot, terrain generator and entrepreneur (but as of 16th November 2021, it broke and
7n9 was unable to fix it), as the actual Farlands would've consumed a lot of storage when generated through normal means.
Internally named farlands
Isometric view.